I'm only going to address this.
So discord makes pretty much all monos and duos garbage? I find that hilarious. It is just so wrong... No, i'm not calling it a 100% win against them, not by any means. However, an extra 2+ turns, can be as many as 5 if they got a remotely bad draw, can easily turn the game in favor of the deck with discord. One card having that much of an effect on games isn't overpowered now? Guess freedom isn't overpowered, or focus either. Both of which people know to be false.
I play solely mono and duo. Over 3000 games, I haven't lost solely due to discord more than a dozen times (mainly when combined with Pests/Black Hole).
Discord alone gives you 1-3 turns depending on how bad your luck is, but after those you can ignore it for the rest of the game.
Not to mention, sometimes Discord actually HELPS you.
Say you're playing mono



and Discord gives you

to burrow / stone form. That's a boon.
Or again, you're playing Duo and you're getting too much of one quanta and too little of the other, and Discord evens it out.
And again, discord doesn't work if Miss. Other weapons like Eagle, Titan, Pulvy, Lobo or Eternity still do.
So I don't think there is any ground to the claims it's OP, unless we're talking about say decks that rely on the mark for one color (i.e. SoB Air Rush), but in that case even one Devourer can do the same effect so it's deck's own weakness rather than counter's OPness.
Discord is probably one of the strongest weapon in the game. Cheap, average damage and can lock out your play; and those 2-3 turns that you said can make the difference between win or lose, above all in upgraded metagame.
Fellow italian...
Disagree completely.
Eternity is 2000 times more powerful than Discord will ever be.
Pulvy, Lobo, and Eagle too. Hell I'd take a VDag over it. Trident too.
Discord is pretty below-average compared to other weapons, if enemy plays any of the above I would remove it, but discord? I don't even waste the PC for it.
Can eternity win you an entire game? Yes.
Pulvy? Yes.
Lobo? Yes.
Eagle? Yes.
Trident? Yes.
Vdag? Seldom, but can.
Discord? Rarely.
If Discord needs nerf then the above needs ultra nerfs if not removal from the game. Come on.