Following the end of the tyrannical rule of pre-1.29 Immolation and Deflags, the legendary Dimensional Shield started its reign on everything. Every War General knows about its power,
and thus started to worship it with all their hearts. They knew this was a problem, and they had to voice out. They asked the great Zanzarino for a counter to this "perfectly balanced" shield, but the people insisted that the said "perfectly balanced" shield is, well, perfectly balanced. People who said that the shield was overpowered were ridiculed and lynched by others, and this shows the horrible tyranny of the Dimensional Shield. Still, more and more people continued to hate it, and thus formed the Rebel Alliance against the Dim Noobs.

More and more people tried to convince the Dim Shield supporters that the shield was indeed overpowered, and eventually the Dim Shield supporters said that Dim Shield was indeed a problem. But they say that the great Dim Shield is not overpowered, but it is only a problem due to the other elements lacking the shiny thing called Permanent Control, which was pioneered by the legendary 1

Explosion. And so the great Zanzarino heard the prayers of the people and granted the ultimate counter to dim shield: Tons and tons of Permanent Control.

Look how magnificent it is. It's perfectly balanced like the Dimensional Shield, too!
TL;DR: Adding permanent control was proven to be ineffective in nerfing the Dim Shield. Adding permanent control will only make the other permanents underpowered and will make the Dim shield balanced. In the end, Dim Shield will always be overpowered compared to the others even if you add PC to ALL the cards.