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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191132#msg1191132
« Reply #708 on: May 30, 2015, 01:39:41 am »
and more than any other card. It is OP, simple as that.

I'm not going to imply that I don't think it needs nerf, because it does. But more overpowered then any other card? Freedom and focus, even sacrifice blow it completely out of the water, no contest whatsoever. But that is another story.

As for this, I think diving down to 2 turns would be a good thing. Would balance it out a bit, make it harder to maintain the chain, which is the worst part about it.

I suppose it is up for debate whether it is the most OP card in the game. Shard of Focus is pretty powerful; but anecdotally, when I come across a deck with Focus, I see a challenge. When I see Dimensional Shield in play, I immediately feel defeat. At that point I am just going through the motions until I can get to the next match.

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191133#msg1191133
« Reply #709 on: May 30, 2015, 01:42:53 am »
That's only because you've associated Dimensional Shield with an ending of defeat, whereas you've associated Shard of Focus as only a hindrance to your victory.

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191134#msg1191134
« Reply #710 on: May 30, 2015, 01:43:43 am »
and more than any other card. It is OP, simple as that.

I'm not going to imply that I don't think it needs nerf, because it does. But more overpowered then any other card? Freedom and focus, even sacrifice blow it completely out of the water, no contest whatsoever. But that is another story.

As for this, I think diving down to 2 turns would be a good thing. Would balance it out a bit, make it harder to maintain the chain, which is the worst part about it.

I suppose it is up for debate whether it is the most OP card in the game. Shard of Focus is pretty powerful; but anecdotally, when I come across a deck with Focus, I see a challenge. When I see Dimensional Shield in play, I immediately feel defeat. At that point I am just going through the motions until I can get to the next match.
dim shield isnt OP. its aether which is OP. with fractal, anti-momentum (lobo) and dim shield in the same element, of course people are going to call this OP. but if dim was in, say, light, it wouldnt be nearly as OP since light doesnt have the breaking capabilities that aether does.

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191136#msg1191136
« Reply #711 on: May 30, 2015, 01:50:38 am »
and more than any other card. It is OP, simple as that.

I'm not going to imply that I don't think it needs nerf, because it does. But more overpowered then any other card? Freedom and focus, even sacrifice blow it completely out of the water, no contest whatsoever. But that is another story.

As for this, I think diving down to 2 turns would be a good thing. Would balance it out a bit, make it harder to maintain the chain, which is the worst part about it.

I suppose it is up for debate whether it is the most OP card in the game. Shard of Focus is pretty powerful; but anecdotally, when I come across a deck with Focus, I see a challenge. When I see Dimensional Shield in play, I immediately feel defeat. At that point I am just going through the motions until I can get to the next match.
dim shield isnt OP. its aether which is OP. with fractal, anti-momentum (lobo) and dim shield in the same element, of course people are going to call this OP. but if dim was in, say, light, it wouldnt be nearly as OP since light doesnt have the breaking capabilities that aether does.

I agree with you that aether is OP in and of itself, but I also think Dim Shield is OP in its own right. It's the ability to chain that card that makes a match pointless if you have no means of destroying artifacts in your deck. At that point, your only chance is bad luck for the opponent that most of the dim shields are at the bottom of the deck.

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191141#msg1191141
« Reply #712 on: May 30, 2015, 03:01:08 am »
if you remove Dimensional Shield, i dun think aether is overpowered in any way,
and if you put in Dimensional Shield then aether becomes overpowered.

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191143#msg1191143
« Reply #713 on: May 30, 2015, 03:04:27 am »
if you remove Dimensional Shield, i dun think aether is overpowered in any way,
and if you put in Dimensional Shield then aether becomes overpowered.
aether minus dim is balanced
dim minus aether is (almost) balanced
aether minus fractal is balanced
fractal minus aether is balanced
aether minus lobo makes little change but is slightly less OP
lobo minus aether is balanced

its aether thats the problem not dim

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191148#msg1191148
« Reply #714 on: May 30, 2015, 03:21:51 am »
if you remove Dimensional Shield, i dun think aether is overpowered in any way,
and if you put in Dimensional Shield then aether becomes overpowered.
aether minus dim is balanced
dim minus aether is (almost) balanced
aether minus fractal is balanced
fractal minus aether is balanced
aether minus lobo makes little change but is slightly less OP
lobo minus aether is balanced

its aether thats the problem not dim
I would never call dime shield balanced in its current state. Even if it was moved from aether.

It simply eclipses every other shield in terms of how effective it is. With 2 turns, it still would, but not nearly as much.
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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191149#msg1191149
« Reply #715 on: May 30, 2015, 03:40:42 am »
Dim shields, when you compare them to the wings shield (yeah, I know its not quite a logical step), are both in some of the same areas. Even though wings last longer and cost less, wings is susceptible to both flying and momentum (which are both pretty easily negated by phase spider | phase recluse and lobotomizer | electrocuter), dims are only helpless to momentum, which aether laughs at. Wings takes a little bit less luck than in drawing dim-shields, (you might only need to draw 3 wings in a game) unfortunately only to be replaced by the need for a phase recluse | phase spider to fend off flying creatures. Using a mono-aether deck, however, just outright ousts the need for other cards, as long as you just have a few damaging cards on the field, enough pillars to chain-cast your dim-shields, and just sit back and watch the fire-works fly.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 03:44:23 am by seulintse »
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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191183#msg1191183
« Reply #716 on: May 30, 2015, 12:29:55 pm »
Dims in :light would work well with being able to have skipped turns with dials, sanctuary, miracle. Sanctuary is also good negation of Poison-spell shield bypass

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191189#msg1191189
« Reply #717 on: May 30, 2015, 02:45:17 pm »
maybe, (ok fine definitely,) but it wouldn't fit in light, at all.
do you wanna have a bad :time?

:light war #9 :light

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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191207#msg1191207
« Reply #718 on: May 30, 2015, 05:04:36 pm »
maybe, (ok fine definitely,) but it wouldn't fit in light, at all.

Rename it to Hard Light Shield or something and it fits
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Re: [Official] Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42134.msg1191805#msg1191805
« Reply #719 on: June 05, 2015, 09:48:58 am »
Dim Shields are just one of those cards that are either hindrance or instant defeat for a deck. There's rarely an inbetween for it.

