Dim shields, when you compare them to the wings shield (yeah, I know its not quite a logical step), are both in some of the same areas. Even though wings last longer and cost less, wings is susceptible to both flying and momentum (which are both pretty easily negated by phase spider | phase recluse and lobotomizer | electrocuter), dims are only helpless to momentum, which aether laughs at. Wings takes a little bit less luck than in drawing dim-shields, (you might only need to draw 3 wings in a game) unfortunately only to be replaced by the need for a phase recluse | phase spider to fend off flying creatures. Using a mono-aether deck, however, just outright ousts the need for other cards, as long as you just have a few damaging cards on the field, enough pillars to chain-cast your dim-shields, and just sit back and watch the fire-works fly.