my deck is perfectly fine, I can still win against them it just makes getting perfect wins so much harder
Then you're asking for a nerf because it ruins YOUR "perfect wins", and that means that in no way this actually RUINS your deck, since a deck that regularly has "perfect wins" against others means the deck in itself is OP (ergo, one or some of their cards).
my eagles eye is essential damage dealer and creature control card, i could not use it but it would severely damage my deck in many situations
That essentially means that Crusader is a counter to YOUR deck (again)
There are lots of decks that don't use a single weapon, and they're fine. I think I can find 1 good PvP deck of every mark without a single rare weapon... That decks obviously give a hard time to Crusader decks, unless they go Duo-Trio-Rainbow (less stable), and anyways they need the 2 card combo, and waiting 1 turn before they can use the ability, not to mention that they aren't immortal (Quintescense doesn't matter here, since it would be a 3 card combo).
Air has some of the best creature control in the game.
Try using CC (Thunderstorm+2 EE's shots/Shockwave+1 shot/Unstable gases+2 shots/Flying EE's, to make multiple shots), and you'll have the 1 turn advantage, since without your weapon the crusaders won't be able to endow your weapons