Poker Alho @
Guess you're not conformist as I thought you were, but for a second there... Nvm, apologies 4 that.
Even if we leave Cloak as a dark card, we still need more cards like "Cloak". Cause with all that PC, new counter PC are definitely required. And since darkness doesn't really have that much of a need for Cloak, it's actually underused. With new PC protection (within some other element or "others" - if it will be shard) this will happen: Ppl will use Cloak as much as they do now, or even less, and alternatives will be used more often. So it will basically be giving Cloak to some different element. SoFree is semi-Cloak already for Air. Which btw made Air useful again and many good air cards that were totally underused, like Wyrms and EFs - or more like the whole air arsenal. What I mind is that I have many different cards that are like good 4 nothing, and as you see a slight change can make many of them useful again. I sincerely doubt that loss of a card would make Darkness weaker and less played, but it would give an edge to many other decks or cards that aren't played at all. I guess that taking was the part that minded most of you - balancing is always also taking - direct or literal, I just presented literal taking by my idea. Cloak did get partially nerfed - SoFree is indirect taking - it leaves Cloak card where it is, but in general - it's not far from giving Cloak to other element - as well. I see the difference, don't get me wrong. And when Cloak gets it's equivalents among some other elements, it really will be as good as it seems. If it's not unique, np that it's a Darkness card, but if there has to be only one like it - you gotto admit - it could fit better elswhere. But all this fuzz about Cloak makes me turn into another direction - creative one, without taking.