is also about deception and trickery not just stealing you should use it and you'll learn that it is perfectly suited to be 
"perfectly suited to be

" why? Because there's a "dark cloak" picture on it? Or cause it gives darkness protection. Darkness has nothing to do with protection. It's like giving steal to earth, or mutation to Light. And one could also
thematically make it fit elsewhere. I agree that Cloak
thematically fits into

, but you could
thematically transfer it into any other Element as well. The thing is that each element should have the same range of ability. And darkness has more cards than any other element, and has every aspect covered. It has LS, denial, PC, CC and, protection, both for permanents and for creatures. I don't get that part. Anyway, darkness usually doesn't even need to use Cloak in many situations, but some other elements with much lower range of abilities could be supplemented with perma/creature protection. Or lets say you're right, Cloak is "perfectly suited to be

". Than I will ask you this - what ability would you take away from darkness than and give it to some another element? Lifesteal, denial, steal? Which one?