I realize that the rare weapons are all very powerful in their own unique way, and I enjoy that aspect of the game. However, the weapon Arsenic is much more powerful than all the rest. To prove this, I had to do some math (not my strong suit).
Arsenic does an increasing amount of damage each turn, because the poison damage from the previous turns remains. so Arsenic does 3+N damage, where N is the number of turns it has been in play.
turn 1: 2+1=3 total:3
turn 2: 2+2=4 total:7
turn 3: 2+3=6 total:13
by turn 10 it has done 77 damage all by itself, by turn 11 it rises to 90, and the 12th turn arsenic is in play, it will have inflicted 104 damage, killing the opponent, without the help of any other card.
Considering this, Arsenic is unreasonably cheap. For only 2 quanta it can be played, meaning if I player has it in her hand, she can almost always play it on the second if not the first turn. Once it is in play, the poison damage it does is automatic and free.
For comparison, if we imagine each of these weapons in a game where they are not countered or destroyed:
Discord costs 3, takes 25 turns to kill the opponent.
Titan costs 5 takes 15 turns to kill the opponent
pulverizer costs 4 and takes 20 turns
Druid staff costs 2 and takes 50 turns
trident costs 3 and takes 25 turns
morning star costs 5 and takes 15 turns
owl's eye costs 5 and takes 20 turns
eternity costs 6 and takes 25 turns
vampire stilletto costs 1 and takes 25 turns
Lobotomizer costs 3 and takes 20 turns.
Arsenic costs 2 and takes 12 turns to kill the opponent!Farenheit depends on the number of fire quanta. so to be really good, the player needs to be saving up the quanta, whereas arsenic is free once it is played.
The problem with arsenic is that if it is not stolen or destroyed, it is capable of winning the game completely on its own, because 12 turns is not an unreasonable length for a game. Basically, I think the number of turns it takes for arsenic to kill should be more in line with the other weapons and proportional to its price. So I have a few ideas for a fix that would be in keeping with the idea of the card.
I believe any 2 of the following would help greatly:
1.Arsenic should cost more, 5-7 quanta.
2. Poison should have a skill cost, like the skills of eternity, lobotomizer, pulverizer, ect.
3. Arsenic should only do +1 poison damage, no physical damage
4. Arsenic should only last a set number of turns, like certain powerful sheilds. Or it should only do poison damage a set number of turns.
(please note, I'm not arguing for all of the above, just a combination of any two, or maybe even just one. I hope people will chime in in the discussion)
My ideal Arsenic card, that I think would be much more even with the other Rare weapons would be:
Cost to play: 5 quanta.
deal 2 damage.
Skill: Deal +1 poison Skill Cost: 2 quanta.
I think the above would still be a really powerful card, because it still gives the player an unlimited supply of poison, they just have to pay for it.
Please share your thoughts!