4.99/5 That is an epic song, sir. Just plain epic.Uhh...... 8.5/10 for the song&feature=relmfu (&feature=relmfu)
The vocals were way too quiet, and it seemed repetitive.()
6.5/10 - Kinda liked it.10/10 because everything you said is true ^^
Angels and Airwaves - Call to Arms ()
When I first listened to this song, I disliked the singers voice, then I listened to it and I loved it. Ever other person I've ever shown it to says the same thing, not really sure whats up with this phenomenon.
8.5/10 Groooooovy... 8)I do. But then again, most people who know me think I'm weird :3
Errrr... people don't still say that, do they?
7/10. I need to start watching My Little Pony, I've heard it's awesome.12/10
8/10. I liked it more than the last one, but the voice was a bit off-putting at first.1000000000/10
I did investigate MLP on various websites, and ended up taking a personality quiz, which claimed I am most like Rainbow Dash... which actually doesn't sound like me at all.
For amusement... 8/10.DAMN!!!!!!
For music factor... 2/10
It's funny, but not really something I would listen to :P
7/10. Singing is pretty good but the voices are a little off.eeyup, english is probs better, this is pretty good compared to some of their stuffk3s3A&lf=mh_lolz
1000000000/1010/10. Not only a fun song, but I am a huge French nut and that earns extra points with me! I'm not very fluent, but I understood a fair bit.
i can do this because im a pirate, and a pirate is free...
time for a song from the actual show, in french
btw a link to the quiz you took would be appreciated!
7/10. Singing is pretty good but the voices are a little off.8/10 for the song itself, but WHAT. THE. CRAP. Thought I'd seen everything when it comes to jpop music videos... I guess I hadn't! (Then again, it does remind me of Katamari a bit.)k3s3A&lf=mh_lolz
Bohemian rhapsody; queenNo. Just... no.
Bohemian rhapsody; queen
No. Just... no.how DARE you say this song is bad? it's amaising!
how DARE you say this song is bad? it's amaising!I did not say it is inherently bad (that's you putting words in my mouth), and I reserve the right to dislike anything I want, thank you very much. But to satisfy your curiosity, I don't like it because I think it's trying too hard to be random, and it gets way too much attention... I hear it all over the place. Peter Schickele's music, which is much more successful at lampooning classical idiom, is almost unknown by comparison.
defend your point of view so i can understand why you don't like it.
8/106/10... depressing, but reminds me of several things at once (such as The Ultimate Showdown), so it gets a few points for indirect nostalgia.
nice :) originally, I didn't think that I would like it; japanese music isn't my thing, but this is pretty good.
(not sure if I posted that yet)
It wasn't just Metroid Prime. It was a mashup of Prime and DKC2's Stickerbrush Symphony (one of the greatest VGM tunes ever written).aaah, i hear it now, still 10/10
I think that's enough My Little Pony songs, especially as you already posted songs by that band already.shucks...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EMz8uVZrLE&feature=relatedAh Maple Story... this brings back so many memories. Don't play it any more, but still.
This song made grinding sooo much more enjoyable, I am definitely going back when i make a new character from legends....
2/10 - one point for actually having the ability to play in time together, but my goodness, how long can it take to do one freakin' chord change?7/10, as usual with Ok Go, most of those points are for the interesting video.&feature=relmfu
4/10 hmm iuno i never did like english songs that much... not understanding the words of the songs makes me like it more for some reasonI agree, I've been thinking that for a while and always thought I was weird XD
8.5/106/10 - the music was alright except the autotuned voices, which are so overdone these days as to be an obvious compensation for lack of vocal skill. (Doesn't mean these people lacked vocal skill, but some people use it as a cover-up. Look at Rebecca Black.) The video had good production values but the design overall suffered from a number of problems, both obvious and more symbolic. There was a glaring lack of variety; the only significant change in the video occurred at the very end. When the change did show up, the designer chose the less symbolic change - the woman entered the man's dusty world, rather than the man moving from the bland to the colorful. This would have been acceptable if the desert house had been altered via SFX by her entrance. There's just so much they could do with this concept and they did almost nothing. The decent score is because the whole thing was carried by a decent song and professional presentation; from an artistic perspective, as much could have been said by still photos.
Relaxing music, enjoyed it.
6/10I don't like metal, so it gets 3/10. The two points are for the fact that they can actually play their instruments with enough skill to be impressive. Not all metal falls into this category, and save for the vocal part (which is a dealbreaker), it wasn't anywhere near grunge.
The instrumentation is good but the vocal effects are pretty awful. Her autotune is autotuned. This had potential but saturated vocals, lack of melody variation, and some of the tonality on the electronica bits takes a lot away for me.
oh wow, i used to play this as a young'n, i suppose its a 8/10, its nice and upbeat, i like it7/10 I found it a bit bland, I am more of a Rarity fan myself :P
More fighting is magic!
cant wait for more themes, and the game itself of course
6.5/10 I dunno why but i kinda didnt like it...oh wow, i used to play this as a young'n, i suppose its a 8/10, its nice and upbeat, i like it7/10 I found it a bit bland, I am more of a Rarity fan myself :P
More fighting is magic!
cant wait for more themes, and the game itself of course
Wired Life (&lf=plpp_play_all&playnext=15) - Never actually watched the anime this song is from but it has such a awesome beat and cool singer that I fell in love with the song. Aside from that lyrics are pretty interesting.
9/10, a bit repetitive.6.5/10 I dunno why but i kinda didnt like it...oh wow, i used to play this as a young'n, i suppose its a 8/10, its nice and upbeat, i like it7/10 I found it a bit bland, I am more of a Rarity fan myself :P
More fighting is magic!
cant wait for more themes, and the game itself of course
Wired Life (&lf=plpp_play_all&playnext=15) - Never actually watched the anime this song is from but it has such a awesome beat and cool singer that I fell in love with the song. Aside from that lyrics are pretty interesting.
Unfortunately rainbowcrash88 hasnt released raritys theme yet (only AJ and twilights) but heres a replacement
9/109/10 I really liked the BGM's from Neo Tokyo and Temple of Time when I still played.
Points for nostalgia and being good enough to let me listen to the whole song :)
But it's something that I doubt I would replay.(HD for best sound quality)
10/109/10 Must... go.. play... Maple Story....
Awesomeness. An I'm a Gradius fan :D
Huh. 8/10. Didn't think I'd like that, but the lyrics were fairly good, and the video was very good. Two points off for uninspired melody/harmony. Oh, and it stuck the dismount.7/10 Elevator music is still elevator music, even if it's in French, :3 the reason it gets any points at is nostalgia, it totally reminds me of my mother who is French to the bone.&NR=1
If you can understand the lyrics, they're amazing.
I love anything Beatles.Phooey, not available in my country, guess that gives it a 0/10 since i cant even listen to it :(
10/10&ob=av2n <-- love this song.
^Not available in my country. Next poster: make sure to rate it.Ronald Jenkees! :P 9.5/10 For some crazy awesome music!&feature=channel_video_title
That anime looked really interesting, before I saw the mechs and space ships.The style may be anime, but that's no TV show, it's Xenogears, a masterpiece RPG by SquareSoft. The story has no equal among video games, as far as I'm concerned, surpassing every Final Fantasy. katethegreat's rendition of "Bonds of Sea and Fire" is set to bits of the prerendered cutscenes - which are actually few and far between, the game's that long and involved.
The style may be anime, but that's no TV show, it's Xenogears, a masterpiece RPG by SquareSoft.Have you played any of the Tales games? Like Tales of Vesperia? They are pretty good story wise. I haven't played Xenogears but it sounds interesting. But yea, Tales of Vesperia sounds kinda similar in the style.
8/10not my style of songs, but certainly something I wouldn't mind listening to
I love Bo Burnham, his lyrics are are really clever. The only thing is that he doesn't know how to write a bridge.&feature=relmfu
Another Bo Burnham song, a definite departure from his normal stuff but it's definitely my favourite.
1st song: 4/10 I've heard better rock.10/10 Terrific, it's so perfectly balanced and totally different than most of current songs. Thank you for expanding my horizonts
2nd song: 8/10 Actually very nice and touching.
3/10, wtf was that lolwtf how can you give mulan 3/10? did you have no childhood or something?
I brushed my teeth to this song once. Most epic moment of my life.Really, you gave Foo Fighters 3/10 for such an epic song. I'd like a second opinion.
7/10 and a good example of how sometimes less is more. I get the feeling that she wouldn't be able to perform bigger pieces that require more vocal range but her voice works well in the limited space she is using, the bass line is catchy, and the production makes really good use of what little is there. Not the greatest song ever but whoever produced that track is godlike.7.5/10 It sounds like Hammer Fall, with a girl, but better. Sweeeeeeeeeet~<3
Some obnoxious prog-metal time, this one is pretty easy on the ears compared to the stuff I've been posting in this thread.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO0-n7Ot0_o (I give it a 8/10, relaxing music.)
Meh. 8/10.8/10 = "Meh"? :P <-- I love that smiley.
Semi-off topic: By looking at the top 50 singles for this year, I have determined that my average rating is 6.1/10.If I used that system I would problem end up with an average of 1/10 ::)
8.09.5/10, I found it very nice.
I could see myself listening to this pretty often, but I don't like it as I would some of my favorites.
This was good, but not something I'd look for.Can't be too objective since I like Yanni's stuff. But yeah, I'd give it a 9/10. The only problem is, why is he playing in the forbidden city? Doesn't he know it's forbidden?! He's not supposed to be there!!!
7.5/10, WHY DOES THIS REMIND ME OF SKYRIM?!?!?!9/10 for a very good remix of a awesome song.
Well anyway...
Remix tiem! ()
6.5/10 its, okay.... but its not really my kinda stuff....9.75/10 That was actually very beautiful, I like Luna even more now :).
One of only two songs this guy has done with lyrics! (he should do more...) (&feature=related)
6.5/10. WHY IS ALL THIS MUSIC SO MEH TO ME?!?!?!Also 10/10 :P Guy has a really nice voice, and his lyrics are very well made.
oh well
THE OTHER SONG WITH LYRICS! (but i prefer luna over this one) (&feature=related)
4/5This is deffinently a subsection of music that greatly needs to be expanded upon in this thread. :)) That was a very good instrumental and the guitar sounded amazing 10/10
guess i will have to post more swedish music from the 90's&feature=related
10/10 for an amazing song that I love.10/10
Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry -.
here is more swedish 90's music :PI love 'em both 9/10Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry -10/10.
+1 for swedish music from the 90's =) great theme :)
7/10 pretty goodVery nice, I bought the whole soundtrack after it was released x] 8.5/10
Now some modern electronic thingy:&feature=related
8/10Aw, thanks, I really like yours too!
May I just say that I really like your music choices Cal? I don't have a favorite band, but if I did Evanescence would be on my shortlist. :)
6.5/106.5/10. I liked the beginning a lot, but I didn't like the chanting part near the end. Also, the volume is too low
Not bad. Not preferred.
6/108/10 I really liked, it felt nostalgic to me because it reminded me of any N64's cave level. (Hazee Maze Cave, Super Mario 64 in specific) The biggest problem I find with people casually making music is they seem to get bored half-way through. Same problem here, the song got really repetitive after a bit.
i didnt hate it, but it was missing something to me, idk what it is, but its missing something.
(shameless self advertisement)
Megadeth- Sleepwalker2/10
9/10, one of the best ones!5/10 Bleh. Not bad, just not my type of song. Never liked Adele anyway.
Posting it again since the last answer was absurd:
Adele - Set Fire to the Rain ()
Chaotica - Unstable (8/10.Nice but there were some parts I didn't like :D)
1/10 I don't know what that was but I did not like it at all.5/10 What was with all the changing audio? Didn't like the lyrics beside; if your life sucks so bad go do something about it.
8/10.Nice but there were some parts I didn't like :D9.5/10 You have just introduced me to Skrillex. A lifetime of servitude would not be enough to repay you.
Skrillex - Weekends ()
1/10 I don't know what that was but I did not like it at all.9.5/10 You have just introduced me to Skrillex. A lifetime of servitude would not be enough to repay you.
Skrillex - Weekends ()
4/10 the vocals killed it for me.
Guess I'm going to post it again because it was never rated
Sting book of my life&feature=related
hrhr cool song never heard before 8/10drowning pool has always been a decent band, 7/10
Not ready to post any G&R yet so Im gonna post you thisR.I.P.
Time for more swedish rock!
4/10 (internet café music :p)
Meh. Seemed bland to me..
I like it, but it doesn't stand out from the other music I've listened to from the same genre.
Also, reposting this because it didn't get a rating before (you're free to rate my choices 0/10. You are not, however, free to ignore them :P )&feature=fvst
8/10. A pretty good song in my opinion.
Plop. Gaming music time :D
9.5/10Love this song, but it always makes me sleepy :P 9/10
Well, it was different alright, but I must say not in a good way, 4/10
I-I-I'm confused...
6.5/10. Decent song. Didn't wow me or anything, but decent.:D
Also THEACCUSO's song is amazing ^_^- Not my normal style of music, but SO CATCHY.
6.5/10. Decent song. Didn't wow me or anything, but decent.this song remind me of a kongregate's game wich i don't remeber the name.
Also THEACCUSO's song is amazing ^_^- Not my normal style of music, but SO CATCHY.
6.5/10. Decent song. Didn't wow me or anything, but decent.
Also THEACCUSO's song is amazing ^_^- Not my normal style of music, but SO CATCHY.
2/10 I'm sorry but that was just horribletastes are tastes..
I'm going to post this again because it was never rated
i'm more in this kinda rock/blues mood
Hm, sounds more like a lite Dragonforce to me. The vocals could be more profound, but this is a great find.
Speaking of Dragonforce...
10/10! I love Mozart l'opéra rock.I would say a 5/10,too much crying, the fact remains that if you're in love The song has a different sense.
6/10you may didn't listen all the song?
I was ready to give this a 8~9/10, then the intro ended.
6/10you may didn't listen all the song?
I was ready to give this a 8~9/10, then the intro ended.
man you didn't I had not even finished listening to me when you posted the answer, the song it's 7 MIN'S ;)
I did. I loved the intro. The rest... meh.
7/10 I have no idea why or how, but I kinda liked itRemoved due to copyright.
Okay...this thread needs more psytrance:
xi =DHmm, Touhou? EastNewSound does some great arrangements so I decided to check it out.
Surprised to see someone else who knows about them.
That beatmap on osu is insane...
EastNewSound - Lucid Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f96Tp4iH_m8)
More Chata =3
xi =D
Surprised to see someone else who knows about them.
&feature=relmfu great cover
7/10 no clue what she's saying but still goodI like that mentality. It isn't about whether you can understand, but whether it's good music.
11/10, never heard of him before and really wish I had. Subbed instantlyIt's actually just the voice actor. Natsuki doesn't actually exist...
...really? notasong/10Wow, robots have allot more emotional depth in their voices than I would've thought possible. 9/10
Well, I guess the background guitars were good, would give that an 8/10
Hatsune Miku - Hiatus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6HM62nru3c)
Wow, robots have allot more emotional depth in their voices than I would've thought possible. 9/10
We're back to basing it out of 10.1/10 Stopped watching because that chicks stripperiffic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Stripperiffic) outfit was annoying me.
Too be honest, Motley has gotten old for me.
1/10 Stopped watching because that chicks stripperiffic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Stripperiffic) outfit was annoying me.You could've just switched tabs and listened to it. You're rating the music, not the video...
5/10. It's okay, I guess. Into anything that isn't electronic J-Pop?Yeah, but you never seem to be the one rating those.
6/10 overall.
Love the history of it, the actual music not so much.
Been trying to learn this... not having much success.
Reminds me of early Dredg for some reason...
The musicianship is adequate; the lyrics, however, are pretty dumb, dontcha think?
Keeping with the folk theme, how 'bout This (http://youtu.be/HD_zRVS-Bhs)?
8/10. It's not Mingus' greatest (The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive-Ass Slippers, anyone?); then again, Mingus' bowel movements were more musical than half of what I hear on the radio these days...
Since we've gone all jazz, how about we get Twisted (http://youtu.be/JXwMgIlmoaM)?
You went 3/10 on Gillespie then threw out Crue? I don't dislike Crue, but, new Crue at that?this
4/10 didn't really like it, sry.Wow, just the type of music I was in the mood for! 9.5/10&feature=plcp i really loved this one, more then the original.
Pick one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Ni4YUCiYo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2Ni4YUCiYo)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT4RNpahCyk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT4RNpahCyk)
8/10Why you want me to puke in the night, i appreciated.
All most as good as this
7/10 quite nice, even though i'm really not into this kind of music :D9/10, you got very nice tastes, also if you like gipsyan like music(here in a more allegoric way) you should check out Les negresses vertes
here's some nice klezmer music by the great Nigel kennedy :D it may start slow, but it soon becomes really quick, True klezmer
10/10 awesome i love it, gonna download it in a minute XP7/10 'cause manu chao, i'll send you a PM with some good stuff (from all genres), to don't spam this thread.
then here's a song by Manu chao for you, Arabic if i remember well :D (one of his only arabic songs)
umm, I didn't see any song so no ratingYep, i forgot.
umm, I didn't see any song so no rating
8/10, I have several songs in German so I'm use to not understanding what they're saying.umm, I didn't see any song so no rating
9/10 pretty lovely song, very enjoyable.
Next, I have an entry in Greek, however you can still hear the music, I am just curious how you may will vote a song in a language you don't understand: ;)
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
10/10 'murrican beasts
Pearl Jam - Do The Evolution
9.5/10 (or 10/10 after rounding up)
Pretty amazing song, that excellent rating came out naturaly without any bias at all.
My suggestion:
4/10 I really can't stand electronic music
Are you sure this is a video clip you can post in a community where 12 or 13 years old people hang around? :-X
9/10 I hear that all the time on pandora.You know i love you littlee sko, but this one i've totally hate it, sincerously 2/10
5/10 - Just completely something I would not listen to. :( Not neccessarily something that I would deem as uninspired music, though.I love Grizzly Bear! :D
Grizzly Bear - Southern Point
Here's something I'll bet a lot you haven't heard:
"What You Know" - Two Door Cinema Club
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXwYJyrKK5A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXwYJyrKK5A)
7/10 - Honestly, concerning the instrumentals, not anywhere close to my preferred genre, BUT the music video is really entertaining, upbeat, and I really enjoy the story-telling element it presents. Also the vocals are quite nice. ;D (Instrumental shift is good near the end, too)Not bad, not bad at all. I give it 5,5/10 so far I haven't given a deck higher than 9/10, so 5,5/10 ain't bad. Only problem with the music is that is gets a bit same same after awhile, otherwise it would have been rated at least+1 higher.
Gorillaz - :fireFire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcFZWa8zH2w):fire
Speaking of story telling elements^
Not bad, not bad at all. I give it 5,5/10 so far I haven't given a deck higher than 9/10, so 5,5/10 ain't bad. Only problem with the music is that is gets a bit same same after awhile, otherwise it would have been rated at least+1 higher.6/10 - I like this piece, and I plan to look at a few more of theirs; however, it is hard for me to enjoy music without lyrics. Instruments are great for audial connotation and to establish mood, but I feel like a lack of words takes a lot away from the meaning of a song/piece. Sounds can give the listener feelings just like colors can give a viewer feelings, but if there isn't a coherent message (words/images), it kind of stops there.
When it comes to music I'm kinda open minded and I can listen at anything between clasical music and metal. This is 1 of my favoirte songs in it's genrer.
6/10 - I like this piece, and I plan to look at a few more of theirs; however, it is hard for me to enjoy music without lyrics. Instruments are great for audial connotation and to establish mood, but I feel like a lack of words takes a lot away from the meaning of a song/piece. Sounds can give the listener feelings just like colors can give a viewer feelings, but if there isn't a coherent message (words/images), it kind of stops there.7/10 Classy music there, but it got a little pain after a while and the video was meh.
Oh Land - Perfection (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY50--DkkE4)
This song's a bit more instrumentally diverse than the last one I posted. ;D
7/10 Classy music there, but it got a little pain after a while and the video was meh.Oh, aha, the video is just a live recording.
If you like ^that^ song, I think you'll love Settle Down - Kimbra (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHV04eSGzAA)
Why is this thread dead?