Some of you may have noticed that youtube is a home for some high quality Epic Rap Battle videos.
Epic Rap Battles are edited videos about 2 or more people, imaginary characters or teams rapping against each other.
Here are some examples:

1. Epic Rap Battles of History, led by 2 overskilled american rappers (comedians), made historical and fictional people rap each other. Here are some examples:
2. Rhett & Link
Personally I never heard about the guys until I watched their Epic Rap Battle: Nerd vs Geek.
You can watch the video here:
(The actual rap battle starts at 0:30)

3. Fanmade ERB creations
With Epic Rap Battles of History being so popular, many youtubers tried to make their own ERBoH videos. Here is one of my other favorites.
But first things first. There are rape jokes coming, so if you watch the video, be prepared for them.
So here it is:
Guy Fawkes vs The Joker
And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Do any of you have favorites? Feel free to post them here.

It's also a good place to discuss our answers for the typical "Who won? Who's next?" question.