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Other Topics => Off-Topic Discussions => Multilingual => Topic started by: plastiqe on March 01, 2010, 11:21:06 pm
Post in this thread if you're Canadian. And make sure to type in Canadian so the other countries won't know what we're talking aboot, eh.
Should we speak in French instead?
Should we speak in French instead?
If you are from Québec you could speak french, just don't hold a referrendum and try to separate from the rest of the thread, eh.
Go Canada, p.s. We rocked the Olympics, mainly because only hockey and curling count eh.
im fluent in canadinese , dont you all agree eh?
All other foriegners can't understand what we're saying when you put 'eh' on the end of a sentence, eh.
Olympic hockey, Canada vs Russia was the best first period of my life, I knew we were gonna win after that game. A new olympic record of 14 golds ain't bad either, eh.
Any Chinese Canadians here? I am hardcore Canadian Chinese because I eat pizza with chopsticks! YEAH!
How. Is. This. DONE.
All other foriegners can't understand what we're saying when you put 'eh' on the end of a sentence, eh.
Olympic hockey, Canada vs Russia was the best first period of my life, I knew we were gonna win after that game. A new olympic record of 14 golds ain't bad either, eh.
Funny how we massacred Russia but only just barely squeaked by Slovakia, eh.
Slovakia played a tight trap, almost lulled us into a false sense of security.
How/why do you eat a pizza with chopsticks, eh Bloodshadow?
My dad's from Wisconsin and I've been to Toronto, so I speak some Canadianesesian-speak, if it's alright with you guys. So whoo likes cheese curds, eh?
Jmizzle, don't you mean poutine? Anyway, that's a Quebecois thing, eh.
As for Bloodshadow's chopstick techniques, I would guess that he just stabs the pizza with them so that it's like "pizza on a stick."
Chinese Canadian Count: +1 (me :P)
Apparently, Harper tried to change the lyrics to the Canadian anthem.
How/why do you eat a pizza with chopsticks, eh Bloodshadow?
Because it's convenient, eh.
No, I don't stab the pizza with chopsticks. I use them just as any Chinese would, on pizza. Didn't think of that, eh?
Sorry, I'm not Canadian like you guys, but I've watched enough of Bob and Doug Mackenzie to be an honorary Canadian I think, eh. Let's put on our tuques and cook up some backbacon, eh hosers?
All other foriegners can't understand what we're saying when you put 'eh' on the end of a sentence, eh.
What is this all a'bout?
All other foriegners can't understand what we're saying when you put 'eh' on the end of a sentence, eh.
What is this all a'bout?
I lol'd, eh.
Hey American friends, wanna trade? We will give you our Stephen Harper for your Barrack Obama.
CBC yea! All you from the t.dot and van city loving them eh.
Hey American friends, wanna trade? We will give you our Stephen Harper for your Barrack Obama.
You forgot to say eh, eh.
Hey, Bloodshadow, how is your fantasy story coming along, eh?
One more Chinese Canadian here, we never worry about man count, eh? And use chopstick to eat pizza is way too easy, I use chopstick to eat sandwich and drink double double coffee, that's the way to go, eh?
So I started reading this thread and I had NO IDEA what anyone is saying. It's like a completely different language.
So I started reading this thread and I had NO IDEA what anyone is saying. It's like a completely different language.
You can find the American-Canadian dictionary next to the displays of maple syrup and smoked salmon, eh ;)
I just won a 100 dollar Tim Hortons gift certificate, eh. I am so far enjoying my free donuts, eh.
Despite being a Canadian, I'm always confused about how people pronounce "Tim Hortons", strange, eh?
Good old timmy's and roll up the rim. I heard they were expanding the franchise down to the states, is this true?
Oh wait, I just did a quick wiki search. As of September 27, 2009, Tim Hortons has 3,527 systemwide restaurants, including 2,971 in Canada and 556 in the United States. Crazy, eh?
OH well, nothing beats milk out of a bag.
And Obama stealing pages from our health care playbook.
um... what exactly is this thread for? the only language i know of that canada is known for is french. and that would be in a french room correct? so this thread is pointless essentualy (from my understanding)
um... what exactly is this thread for? the only language i know of that canada is known for is french. and that would be in a french room correct? so this thread is pointless essentualy (from my understanding)
We also speak Canadianese -- it is different from American, eh. :)
i must know it, eh. i can understand you.
So today I was driving from Toronto to Buffalo to pick my parents up. They were flying back from a carribean cruise, but they'd left from Buffalo because it's a lot cheaper than if they'd flown from Toronto. Anyways, I was driving down to pick them up this afternoon and I had to wait for an hour at the border as the line of cars slowly inched forward before I was able to get into the states. Took about 3 hours to get to Buffalo's airport from the time I left.
Then on the way back crossing the border back into Canada there were like 30 cars total in line and we got through in 5 minutes, took about 2 hours to drive home.
WTF is up with that eh?
Will not say eh to prove I'm Canadian, just check my Dark Green passport with the cool golden lion thingys ;D. Just don't memorize my Passport No.
Technically I'm not a Canadian citizen, eh. But whatever, I'm already thinking like a Canadian, eh.
Plastiqe, I had the opposite happen to me. I drove down to the states early in the wee morning hours. No traffic, no wait at the border crossing. When I drove back around dinner time, I had to wait close to 2 hours at the border crossing. Imagine that eh.
lol Canada eh
Canada (or Canadia to some Americans) is a beautiful country!
Edit: I almost forgot to append "eh" to the end of every statement, eh?
i love moose and snow eh
Oh wait I'm American , eh.
I hope all Canadians are happily celebrating Canada Day!
Yeah, Happy belated Canada Day to you all!
When you're up at your friends cottage, don't drink the water... even if you think it's safe because it is in a seemingly harmless brita filter. I've been sick all weekend and whenever I eat something it's like the lyrics of of a Gord Downie song;
It doesn't go around you, it goes through you
It doesn't go around me, it goes right thrrooouughh meee
Does anyone know fire_tail madness from armorgames? He's a Canadian and he's on this forum, I just don't know his user name here.
So we built iglo's, and watched out for flying hockey pucks!
Thanks Jim Carrey =)
go canada!
So we built iglo's, and watched out for flying hockey pucks!
Thanks Jim Carrey =)
go canada!
"Excuse me.. your balls are showing... bumblebee tuna."
Q. Jimmy Carrey is Canadian, which do you think is the funniest Jim Carrey movie eh?
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
The Mask
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura When Nature Calls
The Cable Guy
Liar Liar
Me Myself and Irene
Bruce Almighty
Yes Man
So we built iglo's, and watched out for flying hockey pucks!
Thanks Jim Carrey =)
go canada!
"Excuse me.. your balls are showing... bumblebee tuna."
Q. Jimmy Carrey is Canadian, which do you think is the funniest Jim Carrey movie eh?
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
The Mask
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura When Nature Calls
The Cable Guy
Liar Liar
Me Myself and Irene
Bruce Almighty
Yes Man
i like these 2 :aether :aether :aether,eh!
I took Canadian in highschool, eh.
I live in Michigan. Close enough, eh?
I just came to Canada NOW!!! WOOHOOOO, eh. :P
Gonna live here for years.....I think.
Born and raised in Toronto :D
I'm a Canadian Chinese/Vietnamese mix. And I do say eh a lot. Just not in every single sentence lol.
So, ICB and I are contestants in the Trial of EHther, eh.
I hate how I actually notice that Elements take up some of my bandwidth because the CRTC decided to severely limit Internet access, despite our 50+% de facto tax rate...
... Eh? :(
I'm barely able to follow any of these posts.
Next time I shouldn't read a multilingual thread for a language I can't even speak.
The next couple weeks are very important to all of Canada, I hope everyone is paying attention because the results could shape our country and have an impact on Canada for years to come. Young people and their elders alike need to get involved and throw.. er.. support their parties. I am of course referring to the 2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs. There is also like, an election or something.. but nobody cares, eh.
Can we just throw things at the parties and elect the Stanley Cup as our leader instead? I'm sure an inanimate object couldn't do any worse than has occurred in the past several terms... probably better in fact rofl.
On a serious note regarding the elections though - please please please everyone remember we have more than 2 parties to choose from. Ignore the Harper/Ignatieff media profiling arrogance that is trying to make you focus on them as being the only two choices. Instead, read every party's platform and make your own informed decision based upon your own research of the facts as currently presented, rather than basing it upon the misquoted stabs and media bullying that are in the campaigns.
And don't forget to vote!
Oh yeah and... eh.
Can we just throw things at the parties and elect the Stanley Cup as our leader instead? I'm sure an inanimate object couldn't do any worse than has occurred in the past several terms... probably better in fact rofl.
Animate Weapon + Stanley Cup needs a buff.
Politics is way OP.
Go Saskachewanians!!
:P Lots to see......nothing to block your view!!!! :P
Why is it I have enver seen this thread? i have no idea, eh.
anyway, I know paper is from quebec, but i have no idea if we're the only two, eh
go team canada eh!
So we built iglo's, and watched out for flying hockey pucks!
Thanks Jim Carrey =)
go canada!
"Excuse me.. your balls are showing... bumblebee tuna."
Q. Jimmy Carrey is Canadian, which do you think is the funniest Jim Carrey movie eh?
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
The Mask
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura When Nature Calls
The Cable Guy
Liar Liar
Me Myself and Irene
Bruce Almighty
Yes Man
ive seen em' all. Jim Carrey rules.
A: my fav is a three way tie..
liar liar
me myself and irene
yes man
Maple syrup and hockey and snow and polar bears and healthcare and curling and Rob Ford and mooses and Eskimos and stuff
Go Saskachewanians!!
:P Lots to see......nothing to block your view!!!! :P
Saskatchewan; hard to spell, easy to draw.
PS. I'm not actually Canadian, I just live here, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.
I was born in Canada.
But I'm in America now.