I am a native speaker of American English. I'm migrating toward Canadian English, slowly but surely.
I'm curious about our non-native English speakers. The language can be difficult to learn, even when it's your first.
If English is not your first language, which is it (second, third, etc.)? How/When did you learn it? Did you learn English in your own country, or did you travel somewhere to learn it? Have you ever lived in an English-speaking country? Among the non-native speakers you know, how good is your English? What else do you want us to know about your English skills? Inquiring minds want to know!
English is my third language. I'm natively German speaking (to be precise my native language would be an Austrian dialect) and Italian is my second language, which I started to learn with 7-8 years as all the German kids in our region. I started to learn English (and also Latin) in Highschool with about 15 years, but I never lived in an English-speaking country.
I guess my written English is quite good, because I need it also at work, but I have not really much practice in spoken English.
I personally think English is a quite easy language, especially if you speak German, because it is somehow similar and a lot easier regarding grammar and related exceptions.
I don't really agree that Latin is difficult, but I probably felt it that way because it is very similar to Italian

Recently I've also tried to learn some Japanese (very basic stuff.. I can barely say a couple of sentences

) and found it really hard.. probably because I have no knowledge at all in Asian languages and therefore no real reference for it.