Polish 10 [Native]
German 3 [a few years in secondary school]
Russian 3 [a few years in primary school]
Japanese 1 [I prefer watching anime with a Japanese soundtrack and english subtitles... also, watashi wa Porando no bushi desu.]
I find it interesting though, that English, even though I use it only in t3h Internetz, is kinda like a second nature to me. I often find myself in situations, when I know the English word, but can't recall the Polish one. Or I use the English word, because it 'fits better', possibly having a meaning closer to what I mean, than the Polish equivalent. Also, I find myself thinking in English quite often... for example when I read a book written in English and my thoughts start to wander off into another topic, they'll probably be in English. And I definitely prefer reading books and using software in English even if I have access to Polish translations, if English is the original language of the book/software. It's quite funny when I speak with my friends about a computer game and we can't understand each other, because I use the original proper names and my friends use translated proper names which I don't know. Take for example the names of different cities in Heroes of Might and Magic 3: castle, rampart, tower, stronghold and fortress. These are words with extremely similar meanings, and you can guess that after being translated into Polish, it's hard to guess which one is which, unless you have played the translated version. Also, I like to write puns and lyrics in English.
Now... if only I had the

to learn Japanese, so that I could replace every instance of "English" in the previous paragraph with "Japanese"... that would be kawaii ^_^