@Kakerlake: Wasn't sure whether I should include Swiss German as a dialect, and if so under which category. I decided to give it its own category until I am further educated. I hope I didn't offend anyone, if so I apologize.
That sure as hell deserves it's own category! Especially if Afrikaans get's one aswell. I understand German perfectly but hardly understood a word from what kaker said there
It isn't wrong giving it an own category as most German people don't even understand Swiss German. That's nothing uncommon ^^
Funny post Kaker also you type french than most of french people : I mean you put the 's' where it's needed and said 'j'ai parlé' which is he good typo and not "j'ai parler" or "j'ai parlais" which are common mistakes that frenchs people do.
I now know the best usefull sentence in italian thanks
Thanks, I learned french in school, so all I know is the correct grammatics, though it is a bit rusty due to the lack of usage. If I ever talked more than a few sentences to french folks, I'd probably start raping the grammatics as well and talk like a french pirate, arrrrgh!
Pizza Prosciutto e una birra grande porfavor! (Italian) ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Jeah, it's important to know that sentence!
... A pizza, some ham and a big beer? O.o ok XD
Also, "por favor" is spanish, while "per favore" is Italian.
Pizza Prosciutto is, as far as I know, an international dish.... Well as it sais, Pizza with some ham on it, not a Pizza and some ham next to it.
Didn't know how to spell it, thanks. Luckily it doesn't make much of a difference for pronouncing it either way
Next time I need that sentence I can say it correctly =)