Gostei da nova arte do rewind.
Os novos FG's sao bons na maioria. A tal da Jezebel é pao com ovo, mas o Eternal Crusader mata muitos decks por aí, Hecate te mata rapidin sem shield, e pra completar, o Mono-Gravity é um Cao.
@ Navas - [16:36:51] Dm1321: I use sanctuary and I play Dissipation Shield. What the hell happens?
[16:37:11] Jappert: nothing
[16:37:13] BluePriest: nothing
[16:37:15] Mithcairion: Lol, try it in the trainer and see what happens?
[16:37:16] Jappert: shield becomes useless
[16:37:20] BluePriest: dissipation doesnt work
[16:37:22] the dictator: There is a division by Zeru obviously
[16:37:22] jmdt: shield fails
[16:37:26] BluePriest: no damage is blacked, and you lose no quanta
[16:37:35] BluePriest: Its like you dont even have a shield
[16:37:45] BluePriest: same for if you use solar shield+sanctuary
Ou seja, nada acontece. Nem tem shield.
Enfim, vou pegar 6 sanctuary e vou trollar no PVP1. rsrs
Já percebeu que RoL/Hope com sanctuary owna muito? é quase tao boa quanto SoG..