Damn, a joke is not good if it has to be explained. 
I apologize. But on the bright side, I understand what you meant now xD
I miss this guy...
*sigh* Uncle Iroh was one of my favorite characters in Avatar, if not my favorite character. Although, I think it was for different reasons than you showed in your pictures.
Iroh was more than just a comic relief character to me (although he was that, at times).
Iroh stood for peace in a time where there was nothing but chaos.
After the death of his son, Iroh put all of his energy into making Zuko the best person he could be. He did not care that Zuko was banished from the Fire Nation. He did not care that Zuko slammed doors in his face, threw fire at him, screamed at him, or said harsh words to him. Iroh was someone who was always there for Zuko in his time of need. He offered sound advice, but didn't force it at Zuko. He let Zuko make his own mistakes, but was always there to clean up afterwards.
I wish I was more like Iroh. His character is such an inspiring role model to me and I can't imagine any famous person I'd love to meet in real life more than him (implying Iroh is real -- I didn't mean his voice actor or something).
I've seen the episode "Tales of Ba Sing Se" probably more than any other Avatar episode solely because Iroh's story and his song "Leaves From the Vine" literally never fails to make me cry.
Such a beautiful man with a beautiful soul.