I guess it probably says something about me that the only movie that's ever kept me awake at night wasn't a horror movie. Something about The Game (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119174/) just got into my head.
Quote from: Astrocyte on September 06, 2011, 10:23:10 pmI guess it probably says something about me that the only movie that's ever kept me awake at night wasn't a horror movie. Something about The Game (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119174/) just got into my head.DAMN IT I LOST THE GAME.
The Human Centipede/Catapillar Not sure which one it is Centipede or Catapillar but the name says it all HUMAN CENTPEDE
I like original horror films. Halloween was pretty scary. Even the original nightmare on elm street was scary. I don't know why they made like 10 million sequels. They all sucked.