The Legend of Legendary Heroes. And I have nothing to fall back on, since Bleach is getting worse every episode, One piece is on tomorrow, and Naruto Shippuden is on filler until mid-January.
Well, if you need a couple of nice anime, I could give you a load^^
How about...
YuYu Hakusho ( - 112 episodes.
Nice fights, awesome character development and an overall great story.
Its worth watching even if you saw it once. (I did^^)
Hunter X Hunter ( - all together ~92 episodes I think.
Again, great fighting scenes and wonderful story.
Defenitely worth watching the whole thing.
Fairy Tail ( - Ongoing @ 58
You mentioned Bleach, One Piece and Shippuuden, but what's with Fairy Tail?
It's the same (purely awesome) but completely different. So either you just forgot to mention or you WILL watch the whole thing after seeing the first few episodes.
Samurai Champloo ( - 29 episodes
It is funny, a little bloody, wonderfull swordfights and great story.
Even if you are not much into samurai and swordfighting (i'm not) this will prove to be very entertaining.
Berserk ( 25 episodes but far away from finished... The anime just scratches the whole story but is awesome to watch.
The manga is ongoing or currently being translated.
That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron.
A lot of slaughtering is going on in this anime. If you don't like blood, stay away from this anime! If you do, go bite your tongue, freak!

Anyway also a must watch!
So, are there a couple of anime you haven't seen, yet? if you need more /say kakerlake