A winner is you, patchx94
congrats on you finding out.
in addition to giving out the winner, i also explain my thought process to make the deck:
1.the quantum pillars represented the many faces of the movie with it's refferences (notably to Legend of zelda, street fighter and dance dance revolution)
2.the purple nymph represented Ramona flowers with her obvious purple hair (at the first half of the movie)
3.the fire specter represented mathew pattel, the indian pyromancer
4.the steel golem represented lucas lee for his incredible strenght
5.todd ingram was obviously the ulitharid because of the psionic abilities. I was having trouble finding the right creature for him since he's vegan (

obviously) but since he had psychic powers (

I opted for the ulitharid because of the ability.
6.Roxy was pretty hard to put as a creature since she's kind of a ninja, so i went for the dark nymph for the easy win
7. the twins were a synch to chose since no other creature can make a perfect twin, deja-vu was the obvious answer.
8.Gideon was not represented as a creature but instead i wanted to emphase on his theater he owns (quite a feat for a guy that young) so since it was the
chaos theater, i thought the chaos power was just ideal for this.
9. the whole movie was about people trying to steal, take back ramona from scott, so steal was there a plenty. as for hope...well, scott is hopeful he can cope with those high intensity fighters that are the exes.
10. the unstable gases were an inuendo to the sex bomb-ombs which is an inuendo itself to the sex pistols and the cudly little bomb-ombs
11. Scott pilgrim was a dead no brainer. the crusader fitted so many places such as the refference to the last fight with Gideon (where he gets an epic katana i may add) the fact that he seeks (therefor kind of on a crusade) to gain ramona's heart through fighting his enemies (and himself; SPOILERS!)
well, thats it for this one, let's meet for the next one...tomorrow because i got homework to do now.
thanks for the participation and see you tomorrow