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Opponents, Strategy and Decks => Strategy => False Gods => Miracle => Topic started by: EmilyMoby on December 15, 2009, 10:09:53 pm
Beating down Miracle can be a real pain, since he has a LOT of miracles in his deck that make killing him take forever.
Several times now, I've used a combination of steals (since there's usually not much you can steal from Miracle besides pillars), Pulverizer, and Fallen Druid (sometimes mutates a creature with the destroy ability) to get rid of Miracle's white pillars. This can take a while, but if you manage to get a Pulverizer out early or get lucky with one of Fallen Druid's mutations and you're wondering what to destroy - go for the light towers (steal works too). Since all 100+ of his white quanta will be wiped out when he plays miracle, if you can manage to get rid of all his white towers, it will take him 4 turns (3 per turn from light mark) to get up enough quanta to play miracle again. By the time you've gotten to the point where you're just waiting for him to run out of miracles, you usually have enough damage on the table to kill him in 4 turns.
It doesn't work all the time, but when you can get rid of all his light towers, it makes the game end faster.
Sorry if this idea has been posted before - I looked around the forums but didn't see it mentioned.
Yeah, I usually steal one emerald one early for the fireflies and mutations before attacking the light towers.
Also, stealing an emerald tower can be nice, as it's possible to run out of life quantum for fireflies and mutation.
Looking closer at the picture i see you did that ;p
I've been using this strategy for a while now when facing Miracle, I'm glad someone else finally caught on to the strategy. :P
It was funny, once I had an Otyugh big enough for his dragons, and 3 mutations that had a combination of Steal and Destroy abilities, AND a Pulveriser in my weapon slot. XD His pillars never stood a chance.
How about using Eternity to Reverse Time at least one creature per turn? I haven't tested it--my cards aren't upgraded--but that strat seems to work well in other situations.
At 3 time, it's an expensive ability early in the game for a rainbow deck. Late- game it can be effective though.
isn't Miracle a female name?
I find that Poseidon is a great choice to take, especially if you don't have pulverizers. It won't help much in late game but if you get it in your opening hand with two or three Quantum Pillars, it makes short work of most gods, most especially Mr/Mrs. Miracle.
isn't Miracle a female name?
I've never heard of anyone named Miracle, male or female. But for some reason I was compelled to look it up and this was on a site I found on Google...
"Miracle is an uncommon first name for women but a very common last name for both men and women (#5301 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census)"Thinkbabynames.com
http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Miracle (http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Miracle)
Yeah, I love doing this to him. Especially when there was a lot of green left on his bar at the beginning of the turn and a couple of PUs turn the whole thing yellow.
Last night I played a game against Miracle where he got his light dragon to 24/24 and there was no way I'd have been able to deal with it so I played my eternity early and kept flipping the dragon back into his deck whenever he played it. He would summon it every turn he had the quantums and I beat him without his playing a single miracle! Fastest game ever against Miracle :)
Another cheap and fast way to kill him is if you have a dragon (or two) with deja vu, don't use the ability until the turn when doing so will kill him outright. This will prevent him from casting Miracle in the first place.
Another good strategy, if you happen to use Parallel/Twin Universe in your deck, is to hold as many of them in your hand as possible and let him get a big dragon. Use PU on the dragon the turn it will kill him, and you win, effectively bypassing Miracle.
One time when facing Miracle I had 0-1 cards left to draw, so I'd basically deck out a turn or two. Miracle ~13 light quantum and I though I was going to lose, but he played a dragon and I knew he had a miracle left because he only used 2-3 that game.
But sometimes he gets lucky and uses all 6 Miracles against you! I actually had a game where we both almost decked out because of all his Miracles (I got Pulverizer as my 2nd to last card and didn't mutate anybody with Steal or Destroy. Crazy!). Yeah, I think I was 1 turn away from decking out because I was taxing my Time quanta badly with Eternity. But I ended up killing him after he used all 6 Miracles.
Miracle has more than 6 Miracles.
^ That doesn't mean he had one in his hand. Even gods get unlucky draws.
Miracle commonly only uses 2-3 miracles against me, even when I don't get a destroy or steal mutant to screw his light quantum.
Two boneyards, two fallen druids, pulverizer. You'll get a massive army quickly enough.
He'll cast Miracle as soon as the green part of his health bar is lower than 12 HP.
green part = (current HP) - (estimated damage in yellow)
The best thing to use against miracle is mutation. 24/24 Dragon get turned into a 5/5 admonition. Then just wait out the miracles.
BTW, if sundial is active, but theres enough potential damage on the board to kill Miracles, does she use miracle?
BTW, if sundial is active, but theres enough potential damage on the board to kill Miracles, does she use miracle?
Miracle has more than 6 Miracles.
Actually, Miracle only has 6 Miracles...
Actually, Miracle only has 6 Miracles...
Improved Miracles by the way.
Actually, Miracle only has 6 Miracles...
Improved Miracles by the way.
Yeah, that's pretty obvious...
Actually, Miracle only has 6 Miracles...
Improved Miracles by the way.
if only it were fewer D:
Yeah, that's pretty obvious...
He'll cast Miracle as soon as the green part of his health bar is lower than 12 HP.
green part = (current HP) - (estimated damage in yellow)
Is this really true? I always thought that the AI uses miracle whenever the "timer of death"=2. It could be 12 estimated hp, but it could be 40.
Maybe your deck doesn't deal enough dmg.
It was true at the time CK posted that. It's most likely something similar now as well, if not exactly the same.
Miracle will also use Miracle if his/her health is lower than 110 OR the green bar is less than 12.
yeah usually I just keep a bunch of high hitters in my hand, if I can keep my HP up until then. and when he has like 50 left, he doesn't heal until it goes close to single digits or if the estimated damage matches the current. and Ill have like 100 quanta by this time, then just spam the high hitters and umm..hes dead.
Usually I'm dead before that though XD
If you're facing him with ROL/Hope deck you should fractal dragons at the last minute and kill him. Or if you're dealing 100+damage already just wait until he uses all of his miracles