Metamorphosis - RulesOriginal idea by:
EvaRia | Developed by:
EvaRia | Organized by:
EvaRiaUsing unupgraded decks, players will race to be the first to morph through every mark in the game in this highly strategic duel-based event. Every match their decks will gradually evolve, until it completely changes.
1. Signing UpAnyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up for this event. Start by reading the rules very carefully. Then sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic, or if it is locked, this event is not currently active, and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
32, 16 for each alignment. If the event is full, you can still sign up as a reserve player, and will get a chance to join the event if any of the 32 players drops out.
There will be a separate sign-up topic for reserve players. The event will not begin until there are at least 5 reserves.
(Note: Maximum amount of Participants subject to change)
2. Alignment and Starting MarkWhen you sign up for the event, you must also pick an Alignment and Starting Mark.
There will be a separate Sign-Up Topic for each Alignment.
There the starting marks that you can choose from will be listed.
There will be 6 different marks from each alignment that you have to choose from and complete during the event.
Reserve players must pick a mark from both alignments. They will be put in the alignment with the first available space.
Keep in mind that the Alignment you choose will only be for marks, you may still use cards from ANY element in your decks.
3. Building Your First DeckBuild a deck of any size (from 30 to 60 cards). You must use your Starting Mark for this deck. Your deck must consist of exactly 6 card Cells.- A card cell is a group of the same amount of cards. For example, having 6 phoenixes in your deck makes it a size 6 Phoenix Cell.
- A group of pendulums or pillars also count towards these 6 Cells. Therefore, if you take 6 Emerald Pillars, you may only take 5 other Cells.
- You may use any non-upgraded cards in the game. Upgraded cards are not allowed.
- Be careful about what size you make your first deck. The size will not change much throughout the event.
Here is an example of what your first deck might look like:
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vd 4vl 4vl 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7
Starting Mark: Life
Cell 1. 8 Amethyst Pillar
Cell 2. 3 Maxwell's Demon
Cell 3. 2 Discord
Cell 4. 6 Fallen Elf
Cell 5. 6 Emerald Pillar
Cell 6. 5 Adrenaline
(6 Cells, 30 cards total)
4. Preparation StageBefore Round 1 is posted, all players must PM the deck they want to start with to the Organizer. This is to both confirm that your deck is legal, that you are active and ready to participate, and to confirm that you have a deck to start the game with. Once all decks have been confirmed, the event will start!
Keep in mind that once your deck has been confirmed you cannot change it.
5. Match-UpsMatch-ups in this event are randomly generated.
You will play against the other players in your Alignment.
You will not play the same player 2 times in a row.
6. Duels and MetamorphosisPlayers have 5 days to make the fight happen. They must contact their opponent using a PM, and try to find a time that suits both. If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose by default, unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Event organizer will determine who the most active player was, and his or her word is final.
Duels happen somewhat differently in this event. Instead of "Best out of" matches, the way to win a duel is to be the first to Metamorphose your deck.
-You must use the same mark throughout the round.
-When you win an individual match with your opponent, you must morph 2 of your Cells into different cards. For the example deck given above, you may choose to change the Discord Cell into a Thorn Carapace Cell of the same size (2), and the Maxwell's Demon Cell into a Horned Frog Cell (Size 3 each).
-After this, you may choose to add or remove one card from a Cell. In this case, I might add another Emerald Pillar. Note that you cannot remove a card from a Size 1 Cell.
-When you morph a cell, that card may not be used again until next round. To continue the example, I cannot use Discords or Maxwell's Demons for the rest of this round.
-The loser's deck remains the same.
-SAVE ALL YOUR DECK CODES, THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS AND ALL DECKS MUST BE POSTED-You win the game if during the period between individual matches, your next deck contains no Cells that are the same as what you started the round with. (In the same example again, if your next deck will have no Discords, Maxwell's Demons, Amethyst Pillars, Fallen Elves, Life Pillars, and Adrenalines), you win. You do not play with this END deck this round, instead you start the next round with it, equipped with a new mark from your alignment that you have yet to complete. The Mark you just used (Life in this case) is considered "Complete" when you win the round, and is added to your Completed Marks list. The fastest you can win a Duel is in 3 Matches, but depending on which Cells you choose to morph it may take more to win.
-The last deck the loser used is his/her END deck. Next round they start with the same deck and same mark and their progress is reset. (They must morph every single Cell again in order to win).
It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.
7. After DuelsBoth the Winner AND Loser must post in the "Battle Results" Topic for that round.
Winner will post first, and the Loser's post should contain a link to the winner's post so it will be easier to keep track of who was matched up with who.
The following information MUST be included:
-The Winner and Loser of the match
-Which mark you Metamorphosed to and from
-Every deck used in that round
-All (if any) changes made between each match
-A brief summary of each match (You must at least include whether you won or lost)
-Your END deck. (Again, the deck you will be using next round)
-A list of all your Completed Marks.
-Although your decks that you used during the round can obviously not be changed, you can edit your end deck as many times as you want until the topic is locked and the next round starts. This includes which mark you will start the next round with. (It still has to be legal though).
An example can be found here: read this example, as it may clear up some confusion, if any, you have about the rules of the event.
8. Byes, Drop-Outs, and Illegal DecksIf your opponent decides to drop out of the event, you will receive a bye.
Receiving a bye means you complete a random uncompleted mark (The organizer will tell you which) and start the next round with the same deck that you started the current round with.
A reserve player will then enter the game starting next round. Their deck must be confirmed by the organizer before the round starts.
If for some reason there ends up being an odd number of people in the event, then one of the players who has the least marks completed will receive a bye in the same manner.
If your opponent uses an illegal deck, then the match will be replayed if there is time.
If there is not enough time to replay, the person who did not incur the infraction receives a bye. (You can't change decks if you don't replay! It's encouraged to try and replay the match if possible.)
If both players use an illegal deck, and there is not enough time to replay, neither of them gets the win. They will start the next round with the same deck they started the current round with.
9. Mercy!At some point during the event, you may have made a critical error and ended up having a deck that becomes impossible to win with.
If this happens, you can choose to forfeit your next match, and rebuild your deck completely, keeping the same mark. Post this deck in the battle results section.
The person who you forfeited to is treated as if they got a 3 - 0 win and must post their decks accordingly in the battle results section. This is NOT a bye.
Although you can do this as many times as you want, you'll fall behind quickly if you forfeit too often. Try not to make mistakes!
10. Winning the Event- The first person to "Complete" all 6 marks from their Alignment is the Champion of that side.
- If one Alignment's champion is decided before the other, then the other side will race among themselves for the Champion Title.
- If more than one player on either team completes their 6th mark at the same time, then they must battle it out for the Champion Title. (Rules will vary based on the amount of Players this applies to).
- When both Champions have been decided, they have one final battle.
- Final battle will be best 3 out of 5. You may use any unupgraded card in the game, and any mark from your Alignment. You may change your deck any point between duels. Winner of this battle wins the event.
11. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive this forum award icon:

Now that you have read the rules, READ THEM AGAIN!
Every point is important, and you may have missed something.