Haven't said Shockwave has anything to do with electricity. Merely mentioned Shockwave because I firmly think that
Lightning got into


already had Shockwave as an instantly damaging CC. And as I wrote Shockwave
wasn't the best choice for

to begin with. Shockwaves isn't necessarily tied to air it can travel in any medium.
I'm not a physicist so I'm quoting: "In physics, a shock wave (also spelled shockwave), or shock, is a type of propagating
disturbance that moves faster than the local speed of sound in the medium." I think it is associated to air in popular
media because people can imagine it easier propagating in air plus kinda everyone knows about sonic booms (an example
for shockwave).
On the other hand thunder is the sound caused by a lightning. Thunder isn't equal lightning but it cannot be separated
from it. Thunderstorm=lightning storm. Just look at the in-game animation. Fantasy games like to use thunderstorm and
lightning differently for variety and for balance reasons (another example is Diablo II).
I respect your enthusiasm towards Aether. What I found about pagan rituals that their Aether means the Spirit.
What I find interesting that humanity always tries to make unified theories. In ancient times there was the Aether
(and the other 4 elements) to explain existence. Later it turned out that these are really just different forces (or just simple
phenomena explained by those forces). Physics discovered a lot of different forces including

, electricity, magnetism,
and chemistry also added its share with various things like chemical bonds (physicists had a hard time to fit that into their
theories and describe it with their ways) and also don't forget about

which I think pretty much symbolizes chemistry
in the game. Later Physics tried to unify all these important forces in their Standard Model and fundamental interactions.
It is funny how we are going back to the roots: let's find something universal rule/phenomenon which governs the world.
It shows two aspects of the human thinking: categorization and the need for unified theories. Let's get it apart then put
back all together! I think categorization is totally ok. It can be arbitrary or not. However I sorta feel that our yearning for a
grand unified theory is somewhat too idealistic and thus false. We should accept that we are only able to model our world
and all models have some shortcomings. You always use the best suitable model for the given case.
All in all, my view is that building blocks are the atoms (or you may split them into quarks, gluons and electrons if you wish) -
that is

's domain. What binds them together: part chemical bonds (

's domain) part physics (strong interaction

- which gets more important between bigger chunks of matter). As a chemist I don't believe in life force. Life is a phenomenon
emerging from matter spontaneously. Life is matter evolving, copying itself and vying for a longer existence. I know the
Miller-Urey experiment showed that you can create amino acids and other important building blocks for life by introducing an
electric spark though I don't think a spark is needed. Simple organic molecules like carbamide (urea) were found in interstellar space.
(The simplest amino acid - glycine - was also reported though it needs some confirmation.) So they were able to form without a
spark in the interstellar medium. Though I can understand that from your perspective why is it another proof for the power of
