What about short written form (it can be anything, story, poem, dialogue, monologue, etc.) which uses all 12 elements (in their visual forms).
hmm a story... (might not be the best but I'll give it a shot)
So there I was traveling through the grassy plains of the fields, enjoying the sweet smell of nectare in the

, and basking in the warmth of the birght

from the sun. I took a look at my watch, and when I realized what

it was i knew I was going to be late. So I jumped to my feet and started to run in the direction of granny's house, hoping that she wouldn't be too displeased with my tardiness. I decided to take a shortcut through the forest, but realized I had made a mistake shortly afterwards. The

was strong due to the thick foilage in the treetops, and I was unsure of anything that might be lurking in the shadows. As I ran though the woods I prayed for my


would not soon be upon me in the form of teeth around my scrawny throat.
Luckly I made it to granny's house with no injuries and quickly rushed inside, "Granny, Granny" I called, "that darned

tripped me and made me fall to the

getting my pants all dirty." But there was no answer, so I went around back to see if she was doing the farm chores. As I stepped around the corner I saw why granny wasn't inside, she was battling a giant

in the pig barn. "

, we need more water", she started yelling before I even had a chance to ask what happened. So I ran frantically to the pump while thinking about my science lesson from earlier that week, "a physicist, a chemist and a mathematitian are sleeping in seperate rooms when a fire appears in each room: the chemist looks at his fire and calculates the exact amount of water needed and douses the fire and puts it out, the physicist looks at his fire and exclaims that the randomness of

can elimate the fire with only a few drops of water and somehow manages to douse the fire, the mathematitian looks at his fire and then calulates the amount of water he needs to douse the fire"I can theoritically put it out" he exclaims and goes back to bed forgetting the fire."
So after a long winded thought I manage to help out granny with her barn fire, and am ready for some cookies, when granny says, "stay there for one second, I'll be right back". And in response I chuckle to my self; relativly speaking the world is rotating over 32,000 mph and she wants me to stay still, if I tried that the

winds would surely knock me over and everything else on our planet.
....So this may not be the best, and I may have lost my train of thought halfway through, but at least some can get a laugh or two out of this.
note: no building, animals, or granny's were harmed in the making of this story