May I recommend hybrids be named like elements and not like people?
Ex: Brightblossom does not seem to fit in a classification of elemental hybrids.
Of course this is really up to ET more than me, but I think it depends on what you mean by "Named like an elemental"
If you mean where we slap two parts together as per current halfbloods I'd say no, those names are terrible and dull
If you mean something that isn't an existing name for a person, then maybe, but there are many real names that still sound cool
If you mean a purely fantasy, again maybe but then why isn't Brightblossom a fantasy name?
If you mean something that is fantasy and sounds more...masculine? strong? cool? then maybe.
If you mean named like demigods (halfbloods), many gods carried titles and Brightblossom could be changed to "(X), The bright blossom"