Lets see: Kingdom name could be The Kingdom of "Darkness shall whoop yo azz"
Speech is:
"I am reigning the kingdom of Darkness shall whoop yo azz because I have so much 1337 skills in elements. I am obviously so much of a better PvPer than my opponents, as RNG has no effect over my duels. I shall use my darkness shenannigans to make this kingdom the best in this elemental world, and we shall destroy those goody-goody lights. We are BAMF's, and we use acronyms, so nobody shall be able to stand before us. Our waves of devourers shall suck the energy out of our opponents, and they shall learn to fear the *insert devourer sound here* of our hordes.
That is all, you may now go back to stealing and sneaking around."
Song: The Night - Disturbed -