I had originally only done the two stories of Gravity and Death to cheer up the two teams who was on the unfortunate end of the reverse sweeps which took place that night, but Noizy wanted me to do more. xD So yeah, here's a compilation of them. If you'd like a story of your match summed up, ask and you shall receive.
Round 3:
As Air soldier mrpaper watch the last rays of light fade away into the mountains, he recalled his mission that commenced today with his friends as his team broke the ceasefire and continued the 9th world war of the elementals.
He vaguely recalled the day before today, in which his team emphasized that Gravity may be their toughest opponent yet, with almost 400 cards in their vault into round 3. Air knew they cannot let Gravity win this war, hence they cast the first stone at them today. Newbiecake and his general bid Paper some words of encouragement before the seasoned warrior flew into Gravity's entrenchment, an encampment built into the deep canyon between two opposing cliffside. Most would not brave the perilous journey into the heart of this deep abyss unscathed. Even with the aid of Wings, Paper would struggle to land without being pierced by the sharp slabs of stone protruding from the earth. This was a covert operation; go in quick, hit them before they knew what was happening, and get out. However, he knew things are not always as they seem with cunning Gravity. Honing his prowess with his Wings, Paper attempted to stealthily land near the encampment. "So far, so good," Paper thought as he made a graceful landing. Just as fast as the thought has come and gone, suddenly pounced a Dune Scorpion from beneath the sands, its venomous stinger outstretched. It was an ambush; Gravity was ready for his stealth attack after all! Paper tried to sidestep the stinger, but the scorpion had the element of surprise and struck him with the force of a sledgehammer. "Well done, my new pet," said inthisroom. Paper had never seen his creature being used by Gravity before, and he knew he cannot take on whatever else Gravity throws at him now that he's been exposed and wounded, and so he flew away from the encampment in search for shelter to rest off his wound. Somehow, even as his vision dims and his muscles scream agony from the toxin, he managed to find refuge inside a cave on one end of the cliffside. He embraced the darkness which consumed him as his strength faltered.
-Drip, drop, drip, drop- Paper opened his eyes. It was sunset, and clouds had almost engulfed the skies completely as water drizzled down from them. Normally, Paper would be annoyed at being bogged down by rainwater as it'd impair his ability to fly, but right now the rain is his ally. He could feel the purity of the water purging the toxins from his system. Besides, he knew that this water is only going to do so much if he continued to thrash his Wings while under the effects of neurotoxin. And so, he tucked his Wings behind his back and walked towards the Gravity encampment on foot to finish what he started.
"Back for more," ITR sneered. "I will not let this be my third defeat in this war," Paper retorted. "Very well, prepare to bite the dust once again then!" ITR summoned a Titan, a legendary staff which gravitates to foes at will, ignoring whatever shields or armour they've put on. Paper pulled out an Eagle's Eye of his own, a shiv with an arc like a diving eagle, and parried the blow. Without his Wings bogging him down, he wasn't suffering as much pain from the neurotoxin as he'd imagined he would. Paper had the advantage in this hand-to-hand combat here, as Air elemental are swift and light on their feet, while Gravity elemental are slow but tenacious. With his senses heightened from the rush of battle, Paper detected a faint movement in the sands. As he sidestepped what could've been a fatal blow from the Titan, Paper fired a single concentrated bolt of air from the eye of his shiv at the sand just as the Dune Scorpion sprang. The scorpion fell dead immediately. Just like that, the tides of the battle is completely in his favour as ITR is out of tricks to pull from his sleeves. Even with Sundials halting the creatures from Paper, ITR could not keep up with the damage Paper is scoring with the sharp shiv. Paper continued to nimbly chip at the giant elemental, even though he could feel his strength fading as the neurotoxin vied for control of his body once again. "Just a bit more and I have it," thought Paper. Suddenly, a paralytic jolt seized Paper and gave ITR the opening to score a heavy slow with the Titan. Paper flew backwards onto a slab of rock and slumped against it. ITR closed in triumphantly, eager to claim his victory. "No...not like this," Paper winced. Summoning the last ounce of his willpower, he emitted supersonic waves from his palm at ITR, sending him flying into the air. "Hrrrrrk!" ITR gurgled, as he landed on the point of a sharp, protruding stone from the ground. And with this, Paper threw his Eagle's Eye at ITR to end his misery.
Round 3:
After listening in awe to Paper recount his close battle with ITR, Newbiecake knew he had to be part of the action as well. And so, he flew off into the night sky in search of battle to scout out for his team, hoping to gain valuable information to the other team's formations and strategies.
Soaring swiftly with the current in the midnight skies, Newbie barely spotted rob77dp and trashduke
duking it out along the shores of River Obsidian. The river is known for its pitch black colour no matter the time of day, as it is so deep that even Water elementals have not reached the bottom yet. Newbie was careful not to stay quiet as to not interrupt the duel between the two elemental, or he would be shot down in an instant. From the height of where he was spying on the two elemental, Newbie could just about make out the distinct purple colour of Discord, a weapon known for jumbling the thoughts of the opponent, thus interfering with their ability to battle. It looked like Rob is the intruder, being so close to Darkness' territory. Rob must've been confident in his battle prowess to be so
relentless in his pursuit of this Darkness soldier. At first glance, it looked like Rob had the upper hand here, as he was still summoning creatures and throwing spells continuously against TD. TD seemed to be struggling heavily, as he was constantly dodging and blocking attacks with his Vampire Dagger, never being aggressive at the fearsome general. Suddenly, Newbie saw TD's face contort into a vicious grin, who then snapped his finger as a mysterious dusk engulfed the whole area. Newbie couldn't see anything, an he knew Rob couldn't either. TD, a Darkness elemental accustomed to battling in such conditions, clearly had the advantage here. Newbie hoped his palpitating heart would not reveal his position. Suddenly, GIANT shadows began to emerge from River Obsidian, and clashing waves could be heard washing onto the shore. Newbie knew those had to be Arctic Squids. However, he had never seen a breed of such colossal size before! They had to be modified by some sort of sorcery for sure. Even in the darkness, Newbie could see striking azure beams of light pierce through the darkness towards Rob and his companions. Rob tried to summon some Bone Walls to deflect the horde of famished Vampires and Squids, but it was too little, too late. Newbie did not have to see, but hear the cries of pain from Rob and his deathly creatures, to know that they've lost such a close battle.
Round 3:
Revenge. The only thought in xn0ize's mind as he gazed upon the piece of paper in his hand with burning hatred. "Odii Odsen" was inscribed on the parchment. Some say he's the best elemental in the world of elementals, brandishing [glossary=Weekly Tourney and BL/CL trophies]pieces of essence of countless elementals[/glossary] he'd slain over the years; others peg Odii as the mastermind behind Fire. There was no way he should have suffered defeat at the hands of flyingcat, a Fire soldier, last round! Noizy knew he had to make this rematch against Fire count.
Getting to Fire's Fireside would not easy. One would have to cross River Obsidian and also bypass the Darkness Domain undetected. When Noizy began his journey to the Fireside, he had no idea how he is supposed to defeat such a strong elemental of Fire, only the fact that he had to. While passing by the Domain, Xno thought he would slip into Darkness armoury for some supplies. It was daytime, and Darkness elemental are nocturnal, so Noizy knew he'd be safe aside from the few guards that'd be on patrol. "Liquid Shadow...could be useful, but I don't have room to carry that. Essence of Nightmare...perfect! That'd do nicely in the case of Fire elementals pulling that trick of dividing and multiplying a creature into many copies. Noizy managed to slip out before any elementals noticed, continuing his journey to the Fireside.
"Whew...it's like a sauna here," exclaimed Noizy to no one in particular. "I'm glad you like it here, Air scum. This will be the last time you'll see the sun again." With that, Odii pulled out a Discord, a weapon of confusion favoured by many teams this war, and dove towards Noizy. Noizy retrieved a packet labelled "Nova" from his supplies, and when he broke it open he was instantly filled with all sorts of idea on how to defeat the mighty Fire soldier. Drawing upon the essence of Earth, Noizy was able to coerce the strongest of Grabboids feasting on the rocks nearby to fight by his side. The tide of the battle seemed to be on Noizy's side, as the Shriekers quickly wore the fiery elemental down. However, Odii was not done yet. He had Novae of his own, and was able to retaliate with some defensive spells of his own, causing Earthquakes to drive the Shriekers back. He then followed up with a Blackhole to suck away whatever insight the Noizy's Novae had granted him, relishing in the pain of Noizy's mind block. Noizy's head ached, sort of like when a person loses their train of thought and end up as confused as can be. Meanwhile, Odii summoned one Phoenix after another to peck away at Noizy.
Blank...that was the only word Noizy can think of, but he knew he had to be the opposite of that right now.
Opposite...overflow! Right! Noizy instantly remembered his ace in his sleeve...the bottled essence of Nightmare he had pocketed from the Domain. He threw the bottle at Odii, and Odii was instantly writhing on the ground..."AHHH, make it STOP. The Shriekers...it's too much," moaned Odii. The Phoenixes seemed equally distressed at their master's pain and his lack of command because of the effects of Nightmare. "
Revenge is a dish best served cold...and even better with a side of roasted chicken!" With this one-liner, Noizy summoned a Thunderstorm to fry the defending Phoenixes to a crisp, then commanded his arsenal of creatures to finish the fiery elemental off.
Round 3:
Into the Forest of Tranquility, Newbie thought, as he descended from the skies on his favourite Sky Dragon and prepared to dismount. As he took off his saddles, Newbie pulled out a treat from his pockets and stuffed it into the mouth of his own personal Sky Dragon, Serenity. "Don't let the others see," whispered Newbie. He'd been through thick and thin with Serenity, and this was another battle he expected to win with her. As Newbie's other Dragons and Wyrms landed, he trekked on the forest path and arrived in front of Life's vine maze. The entire Life encampment is located in the middle of a maze protected by enchanted magical vines, with the ability to withstand the wildest Thunderstorm and fiercest Firestorm. As Newbie prepared to enter the maze, he heard a familiar voice cry out, "Not so fast!"
Standing behind him was entropystarrover, Newbie's first opponent this War. "We meet again, m'lady. Are you here to stop me?" "I know your strength, but I will take one for the team again if I have to," Rov answered calmly, as a forest elemental would.
Always so peaceful amid dire circumstances, these elemental, Newbie thought. And with that, Newbie commanded his cohort of Dragons forward. Rov was a deft elemental, almost managing to match the speed of the swift creatures of Air. However, she struggled to dodge the incessant attacks from the Dragons and Wyrms, only managing to cast a Heal here and there when she had to chance to. She'd be ripped apart if she stopped even for a moment longer to focus her energy. Sensing victory, the Dragons and Wyrms attacked more relentlessly, but one swift sidestep from Rov gave her the opportunity to summon a Gravity Shield. All of a sudden, the Dragons were repelled, giving Rov breathing room to call upon some Otyughs to Devour the unaffected Wyrms. Knowing the tide of battle has turned, Newbie knew he cannot stand around and let his minions do all the work. He drew his Owl's Eye and began to Snipe away at the Otyughs. However, he had no more offence after his trusty Wyrms had died. With reluctance and a heavy heart, Newbie shot at his own Dragons in hopes of draining them of some blood, which would perhaps let them bypass the Gravity Shield. He'd done the same to each Dragon but Serenity, and it was working! However, more Otuyghs came and devoured them as well. Rov seemed to be at her last leg at this point, gasping; one more strike and she would go down. "Do it, Master! I'll take a sacrifice for the greater good" Serenity beckoned.
No...I won't. I'll finish Rov off myself, Newbie decided. As he leaped to strike the finishing blow at Rov, suddenly she pulled out a Pulverizer from her back and parried the blow! The force of it send Newbie flying even though his Owl's Eye took the brunt of damage. As Newbie collapsed against a tree, his Owl's Eye shattered and crumbled in his hands. "Go." Rov commanded, and an Emerald Dragon surged forward. Serenity dove in front of Newbie before the Dragon laid a hand on him, and Newbie closed his eyes as blood spattered against his face. It was Serenity's. "NOOOOO," Newbie cried. With that, Newbie threw down a Fog bomb and retreated with Serenity. Both of them were hurt, but Newbie would salvage Serenity's life and leave his dignity behind any day. They'd live to fight another day.
Round 4:
Onto Water's Frozen Tundra. This was Paper's mission today, to infiltrate the Tundra. With his superb performance last round, his general had bestowed him the task of bombarding the layer of ice the Water elementals hide beneath. Paper knew this was no cakewalk. It would take a lot to actually damage Water's underwater fortress. Paper wasn't afraid though, for he had brought some firepower.
As Paper flew high over the top of the tundra, he spotted a figure standing on the flat, seemingly boundless lake. Sudden an azure beam of light flashed from beneath the ice, which nicked his wings and froze it over partly. Paper lost control and plummeted down onto the ice. At the last second, Paper pumped some Adrenaline into himself and shook the coldness off, regaining some control of his flight. However, his landing was not so smooth still. Paper's strategy this time around was to go on the defensive offence with his Druidic Staves, shrugging off any damage taken while chipping away at his opponent. Standing before him was Basman-1453. He was still the lone figure Paper saw from the skies above several moments ago, but Paper knew he was not truly alone. Basman raised an eyebrow as if to scrutinize Paper's choice of weapons, then snapped his fingers. Out of the ice burst several Mind Flayers, which then emitted a Psionic Wave of energy at Paper. Paper sudden felt like the animated Druidic Staves had stopped revitalizing him. Paper did have a backup strategy of giving his Queens doses of Adrenaline to combat the effects of the Squids that continued to strike from beneath the waters. The Queens were able to call out an attack order for a few Fireflies to aid her and Paper in the fight against Basman. However, Basman smirked and fired several Thunderbolts at the Queens, disposing of them easily. Meanwhile, the shadows darting beneath the ice continued to grow bigger, until they became as big as the elementals themselves from what would normally be the size of a hand. Out burst the colossal Squids, and then all was lost.
Round 4:
Newbiecake was hungry for revenge. Suffering an excruciating defeat during the last round of War, he is eager to prove his worth once again. Venturing into Death's Domain required the usage of a portal located far north of the elemental land. The journey was long, but considerably shorter than the length it'd take the other elements; flying did have its advantages. "This is where you wait for me, Serenity." Newbie gave his favourite Sky Dragon a reassuring rub before stepping through the ethereal portal.
Darkness. That was what Newbie expected from Death's Domain, but as he stepped through, it was also still daytime as it was in the real world. Everything just seemed...dimmer, as if the light from the sun was faded like a lightbulb which was about to expire. In front of Newbie was a path through a wheat field. Newbie felt an aura emanating from it which seemed to beckon him to let go of everything and play in the wheats like a child. Fighting this allure of freedom, Newbie forged on through the path. He thought he'd heard giggles of children and the rustling of wheat, but there was clearly no one there. He must be imagining things.
After some time on the seemingly never-ending wheat path, it suddenly ended and a castle materialized in front of him. He could swear there was nothing there a moment ago. Just as abrupt as the appearance of the castle, a Death elemental converged into view. "How do you like the Elysian Fields, Newbie? It would've probably been better if you'd just let go, for now you're about to suffer my wrath." "This...isn't what I came to...do," Newbie struggled to complete the sentence. There was something about this place that was distorting his mind. He wanted to get out of here. "The name's CrockettRocket by the way, thanks for asking." With that, CR drew an Arsenic, a sai which dripped with venom, and lunged towards Newbie. Newbie flew up just out of reach. But was he really flying? Everything movement he made seemed surreal to him, and he could barely feel the coldness of the bottle he drew from his pocket. Focus...Newbie channeled the essence of Water with his mind and willed it into the bottle, then threw it on the ground. The jar shattered into a million pieces, and Newbie held his gaze on the broken glass flying everywhere. Newbie could swear the glass dissolved into the ground. Is this a trick of the Domain? No matter, the mystical water within the glass took the shape of a gorgeous lady. She was wearing a blue dress and hummed a mesmerizing tune. Newbie knew despite her beauty and grace, the Nymph was reading to attack with deadly intent at his word. Newbie didn't know what he was doing, but before he knew it, he was commanding a cohort of Nymphs. The ones wearing cyan dresses handed him one bottle of Unstable Gas after another. Explode, Newbie willed the Gas. He was barely aware of CR's screams of agony fading into silence as everything around him went black.
Newbie woke up outside of the portal, with Serenity nudging his face with her snout. It was nighttime now. "Master...are you okay?!" "I'm fine...I felt I was on something while inside the Domain, and the next thing I know I'm back here." Newbie wasn't sure what happened inside the Domain actually transpired, but he knew it had to have as he found his pockets full with several new packets of Nova. With that, Newbie took off with Serenity and soared in the black night sky towards home.