This is Neptune. I don't know how the "Improved Cards" should work, but hope you guys enjoy it.
Name: Neptune
Gender: Male

Known Improved Cards:
Absolute Zero- Congeals all the enemies to its minimal energy state, zapping energy from them and causes them to be brittle and suffer from severe hypothermia. Then, by using a simple shockwave, they will fall apart and break into millions of pieces. Currently no creature is able to withstand the extreme cold except the ethereal, for they can’t be targeted by his hiemal forces.
Bio: Neptune, was originally named as Caesitas, the Latin word for blue, for he loved manipulating water. He had proven himself to be a pure elementalist when he was young, controlling water at its finest. He was able to take down enemies by using his ingenious knowledge of aquatic spells and skills. A simple click, a man down, another click, another man down. He soon got hold of the piscine creatures, creating forces with the Abyss Crawlers, Ice Dragons and the like. When he was a teenager, he already had a rebellious spirit, with his great power of water, he wanted more power and to dominate the entire sea. Discovering new techniques from his experience with the coastal wind, he invented the Shockwave, able to stun enemies, and with the addition of freeze before that, instant death. The forces that tried to stop him were useless against his elemental power. They were shattered to millions of pieces, engraved in ice and it will be impossible to reshape their bodies due to the moving waters. With so much power in his hand, he went to face the Water Goddess Perchta himself. He called himself, Poseidon, the masculine version of Perchta, the dominator the seas.
“Da sedem, si non te faciem meam!” (If you do not give me your throne, you will face my wrath!) He yelled at her.
“Quomodo audes loqui sicut ad sepulchrum?” (How dare you talk like that to a goddess?) She replied.
This agitated Poseidon and so they battled for hours. It was hard to decide who will win the battle. But eventually, Perchta caused Poseidon to relinquish.
“Unum die ......... unum die ego superare et thronum!” (One day I will overcome you and take your throne!) Poseidon was angry, and retreated. But Poesidon was plunged deep into the depths of the ocean, forcing him to endure the extreme cold and dangeous creatures as Perchta’s punishment towards him. Poseidon then renamed himself to Neptune, the dominator of the depths of the ocean, and he is still finding a way to overcome Perchta and take his rightful place, or so he thinks. Infact, he was so determined and ambitious, that legend says that one could hear “Mea iure thronum” (My rightful throne) if they held their ear close enough to the surface of the water to this day.