To apply submit a writing sample to this thread.,26688.0.htmlWe are also seeking an artist anyone that wishes to do illustrations submit art based on this description.
Name: EmeraldTiger/Tigereth(after Aether Naming Ceremony)
Element: Life/Life & Aether
Species: Life Elemental(Tiger-man)
Gender: Male
Age 32 in book 1, 35 in book 2, 80 in book 3.
Eyes: Emerald Green/Turquoise
Hair: Deep Jungle Green #004B49 /Pine Green #01796F
Face: Young looking tiger
Skin: Medium Green fur with Emerald Green markings/Bluish Green fur with Turquoise markings
Height: 1.6m
Weight: Appears to be slightly under weight./appears healthy.
Build: Thin, seemingly undernourished/ Lean, athletic.
Other: nothing/ a varying tealish glow, aether symbol in fur on back of left hand/paw.
Before or after the transformation may be done.