White areas in the map are there because
I can’t be bothered they are disputed areas.
Sometimes, the most decent and sincere of people could end up being the most violent and brutal in a survival situation. When they have the lack of basic comforts and can’t afford the necessities, they will do anything to survive, and by anything, I literally mean anything.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and cute, puffy clouds are slowly passing by. However, the beautiful scenery was exactly the way it is before The Usurpation, rendering it hard to forget those times. Those times...those times.
‘Marcus, are you alright?’
I turned around. Lifetime friend Shaun was always there for me in the hardest of times. We went to school together, we had the same career and we were assigned on the same division. We experienced the same things. It is like he is my identical twin, except that he is not.
I slowly grabbed one from his hand and lowered my head slowly as Shaun brought out the lighter. I took a deep breath and whiffed out a small cloud of black smoke towards the sky. The intoxication made me feel better. Where was I? Oh yes, those times. The days before The Usurpation. Man, was I blind.