Since the only noticeable nerf on grabbow is deflag (only rarely do you get 3 novas and a graboid on the first turn), and deflag is easily replace-able with momentums, I have reason to believe that grabbow did not take as much as a hit as DevilLoss suggests.
In addition, RoL/Hope is a very powerful tool for xdude in that it has few counters, most of which (e.g. thunderstorm, fire shield, momentum) are usually not splashed by off-element teams.
Also, if we're using Firestall and Arsenics (for grabbow), we might as well add some more arsenics and some bonewalls for a Poison Stall or even the Arsenic-Sader deck xdude posted.
Are we relying on Titan-Saders/Grabbow for rushing, or should we add blessed peggies?