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Re: Study of Light https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13947.msg180345#msg180345
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2010, 07:09:45 am »
I couldn't sleep, then I thought it might be good to know about how many nymphs our enemies have. I'm certain that this is not 100% correct since this is based on the posts in this forum alone. So, do correct me if wrong, but I can assure you that I've looked at almost every post with the words "nymph".

Interesting facts - all :entropy members have at least 1 :entropy nymph; while most of them have more.

edit: Removed bucky from gravity and vrt from darkness since they drop out of war. Does anyone knows why they drop out? Maybe someone should hang out in elements chat more often.

Just realized that there is a Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence thread. Should've posted there I think, but meh.. it's pointless to create a new post.

Team :aether's Nymphs:
 icecoldbro = 4 different nymphs, but couldn't find info
Dragoon1140 = 3 :air, 1 :entropy, 1 :gravity
Toimu13 = none
thraexis11 = none
Boingo = 2 :air, 2 :darkness, 1 :death, 2 :entropy, 1 :time
mrpaper = 1 :aether, 1 :darkness, 2 :entropy
Tinkady = 1 :time
jamiejoneslovesu = none

Team :air's Nymphs:
pervepic = 1 :gravity, 1 :entropy (probably there's more, but couldn't find)
QuantumT = probably one from tournament, but couldn't find
truddy02 = 1 :time
Klaymore = 1 :life, 1 :water
Dogg = 1 :darkness, 2 :entropy
chum3 = 1 :gravity, 1 :water
Istari. = none
Gyrodiot = 1 :death

Team :darkness's Nymphs:
Kael Hate = 9 :aether, 1 :air, 2 :darkness, 3 :death, 1 :earth, 3 :entropy, 1 :fire, 1 :gravity, 3 :life, 3 :light, 1 :time, 2 :water (probably more and that's ridiculous amount of nymphs!)
vrt = 1 :air, 2 :fire, 1 :gravity, 1 :time
plastiqe = 1 :fire (probably there's more?)
Theonlyrealbeef = 1 :aether, 1 :darkness, 1 :fire, 1 :fire, 2 :gravity, 1 :death (all UPGRADED)
Kuroaitou = 1 :air, 1 :darkness, 1 :earth, 2 :entropy, 1 :fire, 1 :water
3D House of Beef = 1 :air, 2 :entropy, 2 :life, 1 :time
kobisjeruk = 1 :darkness, 1 :death, 1 :earth, 1 :entropy, 1 :life (probably another one from tournament, but couldn't find)
Guy_Fawkes = 1 :air, 2 :earth, 2 :entropy, 1 :fire, 2 :gravity, 1 :life, 1 :time

Team :death's Nymphs:
MrBlonde = 2 :air, 2 :darkness, 1 :earth, 3 :entropy, 1 :fire, 3 :gravity
Xuru = 1 :aether, 1 :darkness, 1 :death, 1 :earth, 2 :entropy, 2 :life, 1 :light, 1 :time, 1 :water
Malduk = 1 :aether, 1 :earth, 2 :entropy, 1 :light, 1 :time, 1 :water
smuglapse = 2 :aether, 1 :air, 1 :earth, 1 :entropy, 2 :gravity, 1 :water (all UPGRADED)
Nume = 1 :darkness, 1 :fire, 2 :gravity, 1 :water
Corrum = 1 :aether, 1 :death, 1 :gravity, 1 :time
Mastermind79 = 1 :entropy
Shantu = 1 :air, 1 :death, 1 :entropy, 1 :time

Team :earth's Nymphs:
Terroking = 1 :aether, 3 :earth (1 UPGRADED)
Demagog = 1 :air, 1 :earth, 1 :water
$$$man = probably none
coinich = 1 :water
Legit = 1 :darkness, 4 :entropy
Skydaemon = 1 :death (UPGRADED) and 4 unidentifiable UPGRADED nymphs and claiming has total of 7 nymphs.
Korugar = 1 :entropy
Dreggs = none

Team :entropy's Nymphs:
Zeru = 3 :entropy (probably there's more, but couldn't find)
xKelevra = 1 :darkness, 2 :entropy, 1 :gravity, 1 :life, 1 :time, 1 :water
Sir Valimont = 1 :air, 1 :entropy, 1 :life, 3 :light, 1 :time, 1 :water
vagman13 = 1 :entropy, 2 :water
Amilir = 1 :earth, 3 :entropy, 1 :time
10 men = 1 :aether, 2 :death, 2 :entropy, 2 :life, 1 :light, 1 :water
SnoWeb = 1 :aether, 1 :air, 1 :earth, 1 :entropy
Kurohami =1 :aether, 1 :death, 2 :earth, 4 :entropy, 1 :fire, 2 :gravity, 1 :water

Team :fire's Nymphs:
kevkev60614 = 1 :fire (probably there's more, but couldn't find)
jmdt = 2 :darkness, 1 :entropy, 2 :time
Hyroen = 1 :darkness, 1 :water
majofa = 1 :aether, 1 :air, 1 :entropy, 1 :gravity, 1 :light
Lava Golem = 1 :entropy, 1 :light, 1 :water (all UPGRADED)
Acsabi44 = 1 :fire
Stinnger = 1 :darkness, 1 :entropy
catalyzeme = 1 :aether, 1 :air, 1 :entropy, 1 :fire, 1 :gravity, 4 :life, 1 :time

Team :gravity's Nymphs:
girlsgeneration = 1 :aether, 2 :death, 1 :earth, 1 :light, 1 :water (unconfirmed)
Jumbalumba = 1 :aether, 1 :air, 2 :gravity, 2 :life, 2 :water
Napalm Grenade = 1 :air, 2 :fire
Phantomfox = 1 :aether, 1 :gravity, 1 :life, 2 :light, 1 :water
Bucky1andonly = none
Memorystick = 1 :death, 2 :entropy
918273645 = 1 :earth, 1 :time, 1 :water
cebra = 1 :death, 1 :entropy, 1 :fire, 1 :gravity, 1 :life, 2 :light, 1 :time, 1 :water

Team :life's Nymphs:
killsdazombies = 1 :aether, 1 :life
willng3 = 1 :fire
Nadrin = 1 :air, 1 :light
Gl1tch = 1 :air, 1 :darkness, 1 :entropy, 2 :life, 1 :light
hrmmm = 1 :air, 1 :death, 2 :earth, 2 :life
Daxx = 2 :death, 1 :earth, 2 :gravity, 1 :water
ratchetspyro94 = 1 :death, 1 :entropy, 1 :light, 1 :time
Wizelsnarf = 1 :darkness, 1 :entropy, 1 :gravity, 1 :life, 1 :time

Team :time's Nymphs:
Xinef (couldn't find any info)
Dragoon = 1 :life, 1 :light, 1 :water
Valuka = none
Smokefree = 1 :darkness, 1 :earth, 1 :entropy, 2 :fire, 1 :gravity, 1 :light, 1 :time
edunavas =2 :aether, 1 :air, 2 :death, 1 :earth, 2 :fire, 1 :gravity, 1 :water
Belthazar666 = 2 :air, 1 :darkness, 1 :earth, 2 :entropy, 3 :fire
Brion = 1 :fire
senabmi = 1 :air, 2 :darkness, 1 :earth, 2 :entropy, 1 :life, 1 :light

Team :water's Nymphs:
Essence = 1 :death, 1 :earth, 2 :gravity, 1 :life, 2 :light, 1 :water
nilsieboy = 1 :earth, 1 :fire, 1 :gravity, 1 :life
Miniwally = 1 :darkness, 2 :earth, 1 :entropy, 1 :life, 1 :light, 1 :time, 2 :water
RavingRabbid = 1 :entropy, 1 :gravity, 2 :life
Bluesky = 1 :air, 1 :entropy, 2 :fire, 1 :life, 1 :water
The Dictator = 1 :aether, 1 :death,
wavedash = 1 :air, 1 :death, 1 :light, 2 :time, 1 :water
unit748596 = 1 :earth

