my babbling/thoughts from late last night
i support all salvage/discards chosen, with the possible exception that perhaps we should transmute PUs since we have a lot already
only one that wasn't really a no-brainer was the catatitan one, whether to dump all the gravity (what we have so far) or dump saders/a couple other things
however i'm not sure what we would transmute them into, and pugon/puangel is still decent
in the (unlikely, in my opinion) event that Air uses wings/OE against us, remember that endowing crusader with their OE will make it ranged to bypass wings
(for discord's match, assuming we stick with that)
dragonsdemesne - Today at 11:00 PM
ahh so you gave me +2 dial/lieutenant and dropped my steals, i can work with that, though there's still 1 steal in vault
that deck vs aether... not sure if genius or idiocy
what role is the entropy duo deck vs aether using? we could potentially do +2 upgrades
which would actually be fairly good (sader, discord)
or actually more likely, i'd do 2x light pend upped i think, it might need a touch more speed?
(oh, vs aether is discards role, ok)
aether's undefeated so far :p
hmm that water match... i really don't know what they'll try to bring, but wings just wrecks SoPa
and the deck can hopefully handle squids
with that cc
something about that raging angels deck bothers me, but i can't put my finger on it. i'll suggest playtesting it
QI is alright, that's what i thought it was at first