Quanta pool protection means protection against the effects of:
- Black Hole
- Discord
- Devourer
Hand protection means protection against the effects of:
- Nightmare
- Silence ??
- Rewind ??
I can understand why one would wand a counter to the first 3. However, I don't think that completely denying their effects is good. I would have thought that a softer counter would be better. One could think of halving the quanta modifcation for example: 1 quanta for 2 devourer, up to 18 quanta for BH and up to 5 scrambled quanta for discord. I think it would be a good protection already.
I totally don't understand why the last 2 cards (if affected) would need a counter. None of these cards is drastically a problem at the moment. Night mare see a very small use (OK it will be buffed but the buff was already needed before sanctuary). Silence sees mild use and is a nice counter to some mechanics (among which miracle stalls). Negating it's effects would negates its use IMO. Regarding rewing, I don't really know if it's affected or not by sanctuary (I've seen it said in chat but as it doesn't affect directly your hand it shouldn't).
Regarding the healing, it makes the card useful even if no denial is played by the opponent. However, combined with a very hard counter to 3 very powerful denial cards (see above), it makes sanctuary too powerful for my taste.
I would suggest a reduction of the healing to 3 HP per turn together with a softening of the counter-denial effect (see above).