Though the heals of this card are potent, one of the only practical scenarios to use it in is with Armagio. Apart from that, the 5HP it heals is pretty useless as a skill. Unless the opponent is packing Lightning or you plan on using a very sturdy creature as shield (that Reverse Time can't do away with easily), this card cannot flaunt its healing.
I can agree with petersenk's feelings in that this card is not all that strategic or one of the
more effective cards in the element of
Though I still think
Light should avoid being classified as the element of
healing life, I think this card would be a little more interesting if it could
heal any target but instead
heal them for about 3HP. This would not only make the standard version a strategic counter to SoSa, but it could make it a more strategic card all-round. 3HP seems to be a good amount in terms of healing creatures, as usually healing 5HP is overdoing it; many creatures don't even have 5HP.
Granted, this suggestion should probably also be accompanied by a slight nerf of the Archangel to possibly a 6|7 creature for 6
What do you guys think? Would it be too redundant with Sanctuary, a card focused on more passive, yet more potent healing?