I will repeat the same thing I always say when I talk about this card idea. I think that the ability should use
instead of
. Reason for this is that it fits the Crusader theme better. Crusader, although seeing themselves as the "good guys", did some pretty evil stuff, therefore
Hmmm yeah everyone fighting for the crusades were technically doing evil but to themselves they thought it was the right path. Kinda perspective like if I was 5 years old and I see some other 5 year old playing with my toy, and I go and snatch it from him and he starts crying, to me I did nothing since its mine to begin with but to him I snatched something he was using. So it using light is appropriate.
But I wish it didn't target a weapon and instead use your weapon this way it can combine with morning glory or you won't have to wait for your opponent to play a weapon IF they have one.
EDIT: Great examples why it should use the weapon in your slot:
1. Unable to fly abuse
2. Useable skill in mono-light
3. Doesn't fail if opponent doesn't play a weapon while you use mono-light. (Note pic below >_>)
