Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => Cards => Light => Topic started by: Hyroen on December 08, 2010, 04:44:21 pm
Love this card ^_^ Crusader Archers here I come!!
Congratulations to jmizzle7 for having his idea implemented. >> ORIGINAL THREAD << (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5815.0.html).
I will repeat the same thing I always say when I talk about this card idea. I think that the ability should use :darkness instead of :light . Reason for this is that it fits the Crusader theme better. Crusader, although seeing themselves as the "good guys", did some pretty evil stuff, therefore :darkness .
I also like cards that use opposite elements. This would be a perfect change to get a :light :darkness creature.
I'd also like to see a :darkness creature that used :light . It would be like an evil creature with some good inside it. Maybe he is evil but wants to be better? :) But yeah that's off-topic..
Other than the ability cost.. the card looks great, ability is great, everything is great.
There will be some killing combos with this card...also, I like SG's idea :)
I will repeat the same thing I always say when I talk about this card idea. I think that the ability should use :darkness instead of :light . Reason for this is that it fits the Crusader theme better. Crusader, although seeing themselves as the "good guys", did some pretty evil stuff, therefore :darkness .
I also like cards that use opposite elements. This would be a perfect change to get a :light :darkness creature.
I'd also like to see a :darkness creature that used :light . It would be like an evil creature with some good inside it. Maybe he is evil but wants to be better? :) But yeah that's off-topic..
Light isn't Good and Darkness isn't Evil.
This is ELEMENTS, not social science.
I was reading the card's thread in Armory for so many times, and it is finally here! This can really boost :light as it is often an under-used element.
It is also nice to see the new batch of update focus on player made cards! Definitely looking for more :D :D
Light isn't Good and Darkness isn't Evil.
This is ELEMENTS, not social science.
Sure we can go all philosophical here, but I prefer using these elements how people generally perceive them. Whether you like it or not, most people see :light as good and :darkness as evil. This is only natural because :light (The Sun) brings us life, while :darkness brings us nothing but fear and death.
Just look at the cards.
Light has cards like Blessing, Hope and Guardian Angel. Darkness has Vampires, Drain Life, Steal and Nightmare. Now which one of these is usually considered "evil"?
If you still don't know the answer, go watch a movie or something. :)
I really love this card!
This might fit into a rainbow deck very nice! Play this card and quint it, then next turn play your weapon and take it's skill. Then if your weapon is destroyed you don't have to worry as much. Like eternity, and Pulvy.
Epic card. Best/most fun out of the current 3 in development. Weapon based decks just got a nice shiny new toy to play with.
Is this in trainer yet?
I'm curious if it'll get quintessence from morning glory.
the card is good, and I think the ability cost is fair.
And you can use sors, having free reverse time or destroy, without using animate weapon, although light quanta is needed.
anyway, 10/6 immaterial creature using 8 light quanta seems good for me.
Light isn't Good and Darkness isn't Evil.
This is ELEMENTS, not social science.
Vampires? Evil. Parasites? Evil. Stealing sh*t? Evil.
Angels? Good. Hope? Good. Blessings? Good.
And seriously, has anyone LOOKED at a picture of Kael Hate lately? E-V-I-L. I mean, even his NAME is 'hate'. How much more proof do you need? :D
On a more serious note --- HELLLS YEEAAAH!!! xdude must be crapping his pants right now. This is seriously the coolest thing that's happened to Elements since the addition of :water . Congratulations Jordan, thank you Zanzarino, and just general BOOYAHs out to the community.
Also, unupped mono-Light is seriously scary now.
Also, I like to see the addition of mechanics that allow an element to blend with EVERY other elements (Nova, Nymph's Tears, Animate Weapon, and now this. Is good.)
Also, I'm assuming that this ability doesn't sacrifice the weapon targeted, so you can still Animate it. The question is, can it target an Animated weapon?
I'm curious if it'll get quintessence from morning glory.
You cant target Morning Glory anyway. Endow is targeted skill, means you can pick up whatever weapon your opponent is using.
Also, I'm assuming that this ability doesn't sacrifice the weapon targeted, so you can still Animate it. The question is, can it target an Animated weapon?
I believe you wont be able to target animated weapon, as its treated like a creature.
Is this in trainer yet?
I'm curious if it'll get quintessence from morning glory.
It can't tar- dammit Malduk!
Anyways yeah, this is really an interesting card. I wonder if mono Light with Long Swords and these is gonna be fast enough to compete with Peggies. Unupped I doubt it, but upped... who knows?
Is this in trainer yet?
I'm curious if it'll get quintessence from morning glory.
It can't tar- dammit Malduk!
I've liked this card when I first saw it, and now it comes :)
2v 5oj 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u6 6u7 717 71b 74b 74b 74b 77f 7ak 7do 7gp 7gp 7k0 7n5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7t9 80d
Opps sorry I clicked post before I was ready.
No it is not in the trainer but all "???" cards look alike. :))
rough rough draft of a rainbow deck that would use this card.
Now something besides oyt and rain of fire can control the field. Use it's skill on a pulvy, eye, or eternity. Keep the skill you want and then replce with a different weapon to do your dirty work.
Oops something is wrong with the deck, there should be 4 quints.
Old rainbow is old.
Old rainbow is old.
??? is crusader. Might be old and fairly bad but thats not the point.
Quint crusader and replace the weapon with a new one after you take it's ability.
What happens, if the weapon is destroyed ? Will the ablity be removed ?
I think this could be a good weakness of the card.
I think the card is too much like a human.
Stealing the ability of the emeny weapon is evil. Maybe there could be 2 different crusaders, one for your weapon and light, one for the enemy´s weapon and darkness.
What happens, if the weapon is destroyed ? Will the ablity be removed ?
I think this could be a good weakness of the card.
I think the card is too much like a human.
Stealing the ability of the emeny weapon is evil. Maybe there could be 2 different crusaders, one for your weapon and light, one for the enemy´s weapon and darkness.
Light would be more used as you don't depend on the opponent's draw/deck.
Finally a good use of light quanta in timebows. I'm curious to see how the upgraded version will look like.
I like this card A LOT. The way it cant be used with Morning Glory is epic.
Also, I dont think it should use :darkness quanta to activate the skill, otherwise it would be restrict almost just to rainbow decks, because you would need quanta from :light , :darkness and weapon one, maybe even four elements, to use with Trident or Pulvy. Using quanta from your mark, however, could be an option, but I prefer the way it is.
I also doubt it can target animated weapons. And lets remember it will lose the endow skill to gain the new one, so once you use, no way to change.
More questions:
Will it remove the weapon from weapon slot, or just copy its skill? I think it will just copy skill.
Will the copied skill use original quanta or :light quanta instead? I assume its the original quanta.
Will endow skill be avaliable on mutants? I guess no.
I also like the art. Human?? No, lol. Humanoid. I cant see through his armor, could be an elf crusader, orc crusader, werebear crusader, etc :D
I also like the art. Human?? No, lol. Humanoid. I cant see through his armor, could be an elf crusader, orc crusader, werebear crusader, etc :D
The light coming from his head shows he's definitely not a human being.
Is it just me, or is the Light symbol on the card different than the Light symbol we all know? 'Bout time Light got a new card, especially one as awesome as this. I think I'm going to make a Dark/Light deck with this as soon as it comes out. Vampiric Crusaders, woo.
Also, Dark is Not Evil (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkIsNotEvil)!
I <3 weapons. This card is great.
Is it just me, or is the Light symbol on the card different than the Light symbol we all know?
You are right...nice observation ;). A new remake again??
i really love this card, can be great fun with flying discords :P.
I will repeat the same thing I always say when I talk about this card idea. I think that the ability should use :darkness instead of :light . Reason for this is that it fits the Crusader theme better. Crusader, although seeing themselves as the "good guys", did some pretty evil stuff, therefore :darkness .
I also like cards that use opposite elements. This would be a perfect change to get a :light :darkness creature.
I'd also like to see a :darkness creature that used :light . It would be like an evil creature with some good inside it. Maybe he is evil but wants to be better? :) But yeah that's off-topic..
Other than the ability cost.. the card looks great, ability is great, everything is great.
I agree in principle that it would be nice to have some fusion between :light and :darkness but I'm not sure this is the right card for it. With an ability cost of :darkness :darkness :darkness, this card is really quite difficult to use. As it is, it fits duo decks because (presumably) it will acquire a weapon's ability as well as the quanta cost to implement it; which means that for weapons like Trident, Crusader's effective use already requires 3 quanta types. Adding :darkness to the mix would make it unusable in that context.
As it is there are a lot of nice fusions to think about. I've always liked :light / :gravity with Angels and Armaggios but this is another nice duo with Titans. I guess Crusader would lose its Endow ability when it absorbs a Titan, right? If it just gained +7 attack and Momentum, without losing Endow, it could be a ridiculously powerful combination ...
Loved the idea. Glad it might be in the game :)
Well, I didn't expect to see this one coming~ ::)
Fourth reliquary card, here we come. :D A problem with the wording though is that Crusader's "Endow" ability implies that it can target either weapon on the field:
"Gain the target weapon's ability and +X|+2. X is the weapon's attack"
O_o I would find it crazy useful if you could also copy the opponent's weapon...
I believe that's the intention - both your own weapon AND your opponent. We'll see once it's in the trainer.
Vampires? Evil. Parasites? Evil. Stealing sh*t? Evil.
Angels? Good. Hope? Good. Blessings? Good.
Vampires: Hungry with odd appetites.
Parasites: Annoying and sometimes deadly, but not always evil.
Stealing: Depends on who you steal from, and for what purpose. Is it evil to steal a corrupt rulers power?
Angels: Generally good people, but everyone has an evil side.
Hope: What? Is it not possible to wish for bad things?
Blessings: Is it good to get the blessings of an evil person.
But I won't argue about Kael Hate :P
The card has a good ability and promotes synergy between more elements, which is usually a good thing.
Looks awesome.
Would be fun in an entropy deck =O
The new :light symbol happens to divert my attention from the awesome card we have here. Is there a thread/poll/something about it? Is it because the old symbol had to much detail in comparison to the others? Why? When? How? And so on.
If it endows itself with an 'Other' weapon, it should retain the endow ability, so it can keep getting stronger as opposed to simply gaining 2 attack and becoming otherwise useless. How many daggers can this guy carry? That's what I'd like to know.
I think that this should be changed from target weapon to whatever weapon is in your slot. It makes no sense for a Crusader for Team Essence to suddenly be Endowed with the weapon from Team Demagog. Similarly, Crusader should absolutely be able to gain the ability of Morning Star/Glory -- if his team is using it.
Just my opinion.
badass card pretty fun to play mixes well with a RoL hope deck imitating the vulnerable lobos for something more consistent
BTW, I didn't see anyone say it yet: It's up in the Trainer now.
Upgraded stats:
3|5 and Endow only costs :light :light.
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109164/UppedCrusader.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/)
Essence you should probably check original post...
Great! another creature for :light!!
Congrats vrt for the art and jmizzle for the rest... wherever you are.
*starts saving :electrum for 1.26*
*starts saving :electrum for 1.26*
The question is, can it target an Animated weapon?
And for the record, the answer is YES. Yes, it can. :)
i really love this card, can be great fun with flying discords :P.
have the bug of adrenaline flying discord been fixed?
And not only can it target flying weapons, but attack buffs on the weapon carry across too.
The question is, can it target an Animated weapon?
And for the record, the answer is YES. Yes, it can. :)
A few things about the Animated weapon.
1) Any attack buffs the weapon has received also get transferred to the Crusader.
2) In the event that Antimatter has already been played on the target Animated Weapon, Crusader gains the absolute value of the attack value.
3) Crusader does NOT gain a passive Airborne skill as well.
4) In the case of Vampire Dagger, if an Eclipse has been played, the bonus with Eclipse is transferred as well (Dagger starts with 6 attack, gains +2 from Eclipse, Crusader gains 8 attack)
5) When frozen/delayed, a Crusader with Regenerate will still heal for 5 damage at the end of each turn.
That's all I have :)
2) In the event that Antimatter has already been played on the target Animated Weapon, Crusader gains the absolute value of the attack value.
Actually, it seems to add the FULL ATK value. For instance, Upped Arsenic (4), plus Antimatter (-4), plus Blessing (-1), gives the Crusader +7.
Also, 24 Pendulums from All Cards! :)
2) In the event that Antimatter has already been played on the target Animated Weapon, Crusader gains the absolute value of the attack value.
Actually, it seems to add the FULL ATK value. For instance, Upped Arsenic (4), plus Antimatter (-4), plus Blessing (-1), gives the Crusader +7.
Also, 24 Pendulums from All Cards! :)
I see. That's interesting.
Though it doesn't gain 'airborne' it will gain 'poisonous' and 'ranged'.
Though it doesn't gain 'airborne' it will gain 'poisonous' and 'ranged'.
Surprisingly enough, Arsenic no longer has the 'poisonous' passive. :o Also, Eagle's Eye only has the ranged ability...
Surprisingly enough, Arsenic no longer has the 'poisonous' passive.
Just the upped one. I posted a bug report (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17279.0.html).
You cant target Morning Glory anyway. Endow is targeted skill, means you can pick up whatever weapon your opponent is using.
That's a pity. Crusader cannot equip its own sword, but it can become a vampiric abomination.
I partially agree with SG. This is definitely not a :light ability, more like :aether (since it copies the target).
It would be :darkness if the target is destroyed.
Hrmm thats a change. Crusader was never ment to target flying weapons. Makes it kooky tho. Lets hope there isn't a break in powerlevel with that variance in the ability.
LOL - came up in chat that Crusader is rare quality but light already has miracle. It was then suggested, the Card have inverted artwork and be called Dark Crusader and made a darkness rare. Bit of fun.
I tried it in trainer and noticed Titan + Crusader does not bypass shields.... wut?
Would be nice to see fixed before it gets in the game for reals :)
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109217/Crusader.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
Hrmm thats a change. Crusader was never ment to target flying weapons. Makes it kooky tho. Lets hope there isn't a break in powerlevel with that variance in the ability.
I'm afraid that targetting flown weapons does make it overpowered IMO. See below: I played something like 3 or 4 Improved Blessings on a flown Dagger. Each Crusader Endowed that Dagger, allowing those 3 or 4 Improved Blessings to be "recycled"; the +3 ATK bonus became essentially a +9 for each 2 :light. As much as I liked this build of deck, thats overpowered. Its almost impossible to not EM with this deck.
7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb
Yes, the same effect can be achieved by TU, but that costs 6 :aether, not 2 :light.
i really love this card, can be great fun with flying discords :P.
have the bug of adrenaline flying discord been fixed?
the bug is not fixed yet
it should be fixed before Crusader release
Yes, the same effect can be achieved by TU, but that costs 6 :aether, not 2 :light.
It actually costs you 5 :light more as you need to pay for crusader and wait a turn before you replicate the Dagger. You do however get Crusader stats added, as opposed to TU.
But anyway, I dont really find that overpowered. Its nice, its strong, it could be nerfed, but its not game breaking strategy even if left as is.
I tried it in trainer and noticed Titan + Crusader does not bypass shields.... wut?
Would be nice to see fixed before it gets in the game for reals :)
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109217/Crusader.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
The momentum icon is also missing, but I remember zanz mentioned that it will be fixed. Maybe that wil fix the bug as well. We'll see.
Yes, the same effect can be achieved by TU, but that costs 6 :aether, not 2 :light.
It actually costs you 5 :light more as you need to pay for crusader and wait a turn before you replicate the Dagger. You do however get Crusader stats added, as opposed to TU.
But anyway, I dont really find that overpowered. Its nice, its strong, it could be nerfed, but its not game breaking strategy even if left as is.
I'm not so sure. Alright, 7 :light, like you said. 6 :aether. Roughly equivalent there, except you can't effectively splash Aether and get the Blessings. Crusaders almost come with them. Seems very strong to me because of the ease you can double your damage. That, and I always figured flown weapons were creatures. It crushes Half-Bloods whenever I play them, except perhaps Chronos and his horrible Rewinds.
Yes, the same effect can be achieved by TU, but that costs 6 :aether, not 2 :light.
It actually costs you 5 :light more as you need to pay for crusader and wait a turn before you replicate the Dagger. You do however get Crusader stats added, as opposed to TU.
But anyway, I dont really find that overpowered. Its nice, its strong, it could be nerfed, but its not game breaking strategy even if left as is.
I'm not so sure. Alright, 7 :light, like you said. 6 :aether. Roughly equivalent there, except you can't effectively splash Aether and get the Blessings. Crusaders almost come with them. Seems very strong to me because of the ease you can double your damage. That, and I always figured flown weapons were creatures.
You can however use Chaos Power, SNs, and Entropy pendulums with :aether mark. Pay Dagger with SNs, Power it, Bless it, Rage it, Momentum it, and then replicate it.
Like this:
Thats quite a bit more cards, requiring a deeper setup and more possibility of failure. Maybe you're right in the long run, as I haven't really replicated what I first have to any great degree. I still think targetting flown weapons makes it much stronger however.
Well I agree. I just dont think its too strong. I wouldnt cry if Zanz decides to prevent targeting flown weapons though, or simply decides to add "vanilla" stats to Crusader that targets flown weapon (ie, without applied buffs).
I think if it didn't target flown weapons, most Crusader decks would be prone to bad draws and it would restrict the number of viable decks.
glitch or not, i like that it can target flown weapons too
the same way i like that silence stop all cards and not just spell (hide from the pitchforks)
glitch or not, i like that it can target flown weapons too
the same way i like that silence stop all cards and not just spell (hide from the pitchforks)
Meh. Pitchforks are UP. Pros use Torches. :P
5) When frozen/delayed, a Crusader with Regenerate will still heal for 5 damage at the end of each turn.
As a big fan of adrena flying staffs, I have to point out that normal flying staffs also do that, just for the record.
5) When frozen/delayed, a Crusader with Regenerate will still heal for 5 damage at the end of each turn.
As a big fan of adrena flying staffs, I have to point out that normal flying staffs also do that, just for the record.
Yes, that's why I added that to this list: the behavior mimics that of a flying staff.
Seriously, you guys are concerned that Crusaders benefit from the combo of:
1) Draw and play a weapon
2) Draw and play Animate on that weapon
3) Draw and play Blessing on that weapon
4) Draw and play Crusader.
5) IF both Crusader and the animated/blessed weapon are still alive, use Endow on that weapon
I'm sorry, but there are four-card combos that end games -- I'm not worried about one that merely creates a supercritter. Sure, you can EM halfbloods with it, but that's because halfbloods are slow, have no coherent strategy, and basically consistently die to any deck with lots of healing and phat creatures.
Not to mention combos will be harder to pull off with Silence being tossed into the mix...
This card is great, I've never been good at implementing weapons too deeply into my strategies, but this definitely expands the possibilities. Congrats to jmizzle7!
Well this is a pleasant surprise! :D
With all the great card ideas springing up as of late, I figured mine was starting to become an afterthought. Thanks Zanz, and everyone for your votes/support!
I only partially agree with SG's comment about having Endow cost another quantum type. Yes, it might make some sense from a good/evil standpoint, but then you are effectively locking yourself into those two elements when you play Crusader. I wanted to keep it more open-ended, so I kept everything in the :light element.
Maybe its just me, but I think Crusader shouldnt be able to target flying weapons. Well, its already good enough getting +X/+2, in addition to 3/5, and the weapon skill, I think. Even if he can target them, then ignoring Antimatter to get just good bonuses looks pretty ridiculous. What can support this idea?
As a side comment, looks like a Morning Glory in his hand. Once he really cant use it, maybe the image can use another weapon, like Pulvy, Eternity or Titan?
Eh it just looks like a generic bright sword to me, but yeah :P. Its better to not have a specific weapon visible imo because he can use any (besides glory :P) so why focus on one in the art?
Seriously, you guys are concerned that Crusaders benefit from the combo of:
1) Draw and play a weapon
2) Draw and play Animate on that weapon
3) Draw and play Blessing on that weapon
4) Draw and play Crusader.
5) IF both Crusader and the animated/blessed weapon are still alive, use Endow on that weapon
I'm sorry, but there are four-card combos that end games -- I'm not worried about one that merely creates a supercritter. Sure, you can EM halfbloods with it, but that's because halfbloods are slow, have no coherent strategy, and basically consistently die to any deck with lots of healing and phat creatures.
Actually, only the crusader(s) needs to survive- you can hold the weapon, animate, and buff(s) in your hand while you wait for the crusader's summoning sickness (and possibly silence) to wear off.
"It's about dammed time!"
- Starcraft 2 Marine
Sweet idea brought forth by jmizzle7 in the early days of the forum. Glad it finally got the recognition it deserves.
Zomg! :light bulb!
-2 Archangel, +2 Crusader; RoL/Hope could be so much lolz with these guys!
Eh it just looks like a generic bright sword to me, but yeah :P. Its better to not have a specific weapon visible imo because he can use any (besides glory :P) so why focus on one in the art?
That's Crusader's weapon. When the Crusader uses the Endow skill, it doesn't equip a weapon. It channels the targeted weapon's energy and uses it in combat.
Shows how dark the crusader is
(just to show how it would look like in :darkness, not an actual, formal/official change to the card)
(just to show how it would look like in :darkness, not an actual, formal/official change to the card)
Yes I really like this. Moringstar being immune makes sense, thing of light and all that. Its also a would be a rare I'd want to get.
from a flavor standpoint, if it changes from :light -> :darkness, 'endow' do not fit anymore
it would be something like 'augmentation' or 'graft'
but this is getting off topic, crusader isnt gonna get a full elemental makeover (no matter how much you and i think it is better suited in :darkness kael)
I only partially agree with SG's comment about having Endow cost another quantum type. Yes, it might make some sense from a good/evil standpoint, but then you are effectively locking yourself into those two elements when you play Crusader. I wanted to keep it more open-ended, so I kept everything in the :light element.
I think that the theme should always come before gameplay. You cannot give a Pig | Huge Pig the ability to fly just because it would make more sense in some gameplay aspect of Elements. It's a pig, it shouldn't fly.
I apply the same logic here. For me, it doesn't make sense that a Crusader is put in the same category as a Guardian Angel. Latter is clearly a creature of light, and how most people define "good". Crusaders on the other hand did all kinds of nasty stuff like killing etc. Like really evil stuff.
I'm not a big fan of "Dark Crusader" either, because it's missing the whole "good but evil" theme that I like. But if I had to choose, I would probably go with Dark Crusader because I see Crusades as much more "dark" than "light".
I guess I kind of see mono- :light Crusader as some kind of insult to our understanding of human history. :)
Gasp! Don't make it Darkness! RoL Hope is so much more fun to play with this! Again, gameplay before theme, but still. I like it ;)
In all seriousness though. If you thought Duoing this with blessing was ridiculous, how on earth is Monoing with Vampire Dagger and Eclipse NOT broken? Yes you can counter it in many ways, but the ease of access makes it a bit too ridiculous if you ask me, lol
I only partially agree with SG's comment about having Endow cost another quantum type. Yes, it might make some sense from a good/evil standpoint, but then you are effectively locking yourself into those two elements when you play Crusader. I wanted to keep it more open-ended, so I kept everything in the :light element.
I think that the theme should always come before gameplay. You cannot give a Pig | Huge Pig the ability to fly just because it would make more sense in some gameplay aspect of Elements. It's a pig, it shouldn't fly.
I apply the same logic here. For me, it doesn't make sense that a Crusader is put in the same category as a Guardian Angel. Latter is clearly a creature of light, and how most people define "good". Crusaders on the other hand did all kinds of nasty stuff like killing etc. Like really evil stuff.
I'm not a big fan of "Dark Crusader" either, because it's missing the whole "good but evil" theme that I like. But if I had to choose, I would probably go with Dark Crusader because I see Crusades as much more "dark" than "light".
I guess I kind of see mono- :light Crusader as some kind of insult to our understanding of human history. :)
Theme is all relative and completely wishy-washy. Elves in this game are unlike any elves I have seen before. Frogs in this game die from flooding. According to christiananswers.net (http://www.christiananswers.net/q-acb/acb-t005.html) Angels are immortal (EDIT: and can be evil).
According to Wiktionary (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/crusader), a crusader is one engaged in a crusade, and a crusade is "A grand concerted effort toward some purportedly worthy cause." Yes, there were major crusades in human history, but this is an alternate fantasy dimension and crusader has no link to "The Crusades". Look at Chimera for another example.
Besides, SG... if Crusader is an insult to human history then "dragons" are an insult to biology, and "steal" an insult to moral.
Not that I dislike :darkness having more synergy with :light (on the contrary, it'd be hella fun) but the whole historical excuse to make its ability cost dark quanta seems weak.
I'm with Jmizzle, a light/dark card would be great. However this isn't the card for it.
I think that the theme should always come before gameplay.
No offense, but I've played a few dozen games that followed that theory...and they all sucked. Gameplay is the part of any game that allows the game to be fun. With an amazing theme and crappy rules, a game will inevitably devolve into either huge arguments about the rules (in a tabletop game) or a very, very small set of 'winning' tactics being used and the rest of the game going untouched (in a computer game). Either way, the people who like the theme just end up getting upset because either way, they don't get to enjoy the theme they like so much.
Gameplay absolutely must come first, because in a very real and literal sense, without it, the theme is just a giant game of Magic Tea Party, and people over the age of 4 don't do well at Magic Tea Party. Especially the ones that want to play so that they can win.
All that said, theme-wise, Elements doesn't particularly pay attention to Earth's history when it makes its cards. Maxwell's Demon, historically, has nothing to do with killing creatures of any kind. Historically, very few mummies were Pharaohs. Etc. etc. Holding Crusader to a historical standard higher than any other Elements card actually violates, rather than supporting, the theme of the game as a whole.
Gameplay and theme should not be mutually exclusive in a theme based game. (When they do Gameplay is more important for the game aspect)
However I would think that this card fits best in Light. The reason why I say that is that the decks that use this card will supply their own weapons for Crusader to use so theft is not a likely occurrence.
Also Crusaders in our history fit the theme of Light is not always Good very well. So once again I think it belongs in Light.
Finally Darkness seems to focus on what the opponent has/is doing. Light seems to ignore what the opponent is doing and focus more on the pregame plan. Crusader is a prime example of focusing more on the pregame plan and less on what the opponent is doing.
Just my :electrum :electrum.
I think that the theme should always come before gameplay.
No offense, but I've played a few dozen games that followed that theory...and they all sucked. Gameplay is the part of any game that allows the game to be fun. With an amazing theme and crappy rules, a game will inevitably devolve into either huge arguments about the rules (in a tabletop game) or a very, very small set of 'winning' tactics being used and the rest of the game going untouched (in a computer game). Either way, the people who like the theme just end up getting upset because either way, they don't get to enjoy the theme they like so much.
Gameplay absolutely must come first, because in a very real and literal sense, without it, the theme is just a giant game of Magic Tea Party, and people over the age of 4 don't do well at Magic Tea Party. Especially the ones that want to play so that they can win.
All that said, theme-wise, Elements doesn't particularly pay attention to Earth's history when it makes its cards. Maxwell's Demon, historically, has nothing to do with killing creatures of any kind. Historically, very few mummies were Pharaohs. Etc. etc. Holding Crusader to a historical standard higher than any other Elements card actually violates, rather than supporting, the theme of the game as a whole.
Ok you took my comment out of context and started talking about a totally different thing. This is not about which is more important, gameplay or theme.
What I mean is that you shouldn't take a theme and try to make it work in gameplay. For example you don't take a pig, and then try to figure out how to make that pig fly because you need a flying creature for gameplay purposes. What you do is you take a flying creature and make that creature fly. See? You don't knowingly make the theme suck just because you feel that gameplay is more important. Smart design is to make both work. In Elements that is super easy because the whole theme is just a name and one picture. For example I could call this "Crusader" a "Dwarwen Weaponsmith" or something, and it would still fit the mechanics of the card. But I don't call this card "Lollipop Factory" and rant how gameplay is more important than theme.
Ah, OK. I honestly misunderstood what you were saying. When you say "theme first", you sound to me like you're saying "I need a pig. Let's make a card that's a pig, and then we'll just invent mechanics to fit."
What, in fact, you're saying is "I need a creature to use this new flying mechanic I made up. Let's make a card that's a flying creature, and then call it some sort of bird." That's mechanics first in my eyes.
All of which is irrelevant to the point that your interpretation of the Crusader in a historical context isn't in keeping with the aesthetics of Elements as they currently stand.
This just got a whole lot awesomer. See, Crusaders don't Endow themselves with the weapon's innate abilities -- they Endow themselves with a weapon's current abilities. Observe...
It started like this...
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109605/crusaderbefore.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/)
But it ENDED like THIS:
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109604/crusaderafter.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/)
Add an SoR to the mix...
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109602/crusaderdetroy.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/)
And, just for fun, because I lol'd:
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd109603/crusaderdagger.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/)
In short, it's a good thing that flying weapons can't be Mutated into, because it would be CHAOS. As it is, you can manipulate your way into Crusaders with free-to-cast abilities, Destroy without using Pulvys, the 'light' ability, the completely useless 'dagger' ability, and I'm sure more will come as more cards get added. :)
Its way cooler to Endow butterflied flown sor'd dagger, than to endow Pulvy. Thumbs up! 8)
...the completely useless 'dagger' ability...
Yeah, 'sword' and 'dagger' always kind of bugged me.
...the completely useless 'dagger' ability...
Yeah, 'sword' and 'dagger' always kind of bugged me.
So he's just really good at dagging ... or something ...
A burglar crusader xD
Anyone tried crusaders with titan + chimera?
Ummm...what now? Titan+Crusader gives you an 11|7 Momentumed dude. Add Chimera and...he dies.
Right, i didn't notice it won't endow the hp.
Is it just me, or is Zanz taking a lot more ideas from this forum these days? :)
Indeed. Before, there were only 2 cards in Reliquary. The number appears to have doubled, in one month, no less.
"Draw your blade -- or someone else's blade, for that matter -- and step boldly into the fray."
Crusader the Destroyer. Hilarious.
hey, I opened up a bug post about crusader math and its interaction with air blitz.
anyone know anything about this?
When playing with a Lobotomizer, make sure you do your clicking in the correct order. You want to endow your crusader with the lobotomizer, not lobotomize your crusader! (Don't make the mistake I did!)
Right, i didn't notice it won't endow the hp.
If you animate the titan and then endow, it would add HP, too.
Right, i didn't notice it won't endow the hp.
If you animate the titan and then endow, it would add HP, too.
Uh, no it does not.
Right, i didn't notice it won't endow the hp.
If you animate the titan and then endow, it would add HP, too.
Yes, it would. 2 HP, to be exact.
Right, i didn't notice it won't endow the hp.
If you animate the titan and then endow, it would add HP, too.
Uh, no it does not.
Look at the card, the Crusader gets exactly 2 Hp for endowing.
Oh, wait... this forum is full of ninjas.
Has nothing to do with animating it, though. Endowing will only ever add 2 HP. It's +X|+2, after all.
Avenger forgot that endow only added 2 HP
Lukce said that if you animate it it does add the HP (and I was assuming he was talking about the titan's HP)
I said 'No, it does not' as it in does not add the 50 HP.
Does this make sense?
I will repeat the same thing I always say when I talk about this card idea. I think that the ability should use :darkness instead of :light . Reason for this is that it fits the Crusader theme better. Crusader, although seeing themselves as the "good guys", did some pretty evil stuff, therefore :darkness .
Hmmm yeah everyone fighting for the crusades were technically doing evil but to themselves they thought it was the right path. Kinda perspective like if I was 5 years old and I see some other 5 year old playing with my toy, and I go and snatch it from him and he starts crying, to me I did nothing since its mine to begin with but to him I snatched something he was using. So it using light is appropriate.
But I wish it didn't target a weapon and instead use your weapon this way it can combine with morning glory or you won't have to wait for your opponent to play a weapon IF they have one.
EDIT: Great examples why it should use the weapon in your slot:
1. Unable to fly abuse
2. Useable skill in mono-light
3. Doesn't fail if opponent doesn't play a weapon while you use mono-light. (Note pic below >_>)
(http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd112439/Fail_thumb.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/view/m7Gbd112439/Fail)
I will repeat the same thing I always say when I talk about this card idea. I think that the ability should use :darkness instead of :light . Reason for this is that it fits the Crusader theme better. Crusader, although seeing themselves as the "good guys", did some pretty evil stuff, therefore :darkness .
Hmmm yeah everyone fighting for the crusades were technically doing evil but to themselves they thought it was the right path. Kinda perspective like if I was 5 years old and I see some other 5 year old playing with my toy, and I go and snatch it from him and he starts crying, to me I did nothing since its mine to begin with but to him I snatched something he was using. So it using light is appropriate.
But I wish it didn't target a weapon and instead use your weapon this way it can combine with morning glory or you won't have to wait for your opponent to play a weapon IF they have one.
EDIT: Great examples why it should use the weapon in your slot:
1. Unable to fly abuse
2. Useable skill in mono-light
3. Doesn't fail if opponent doesn't play a weapon while you use mono-light. (Note pic below >_>)
(http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd112439/Fail_thumb.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/view/m7Gbd112439/Fail)
Crusader works very well with mono :light, actually. Try using Longswords instead of Morning Glory. Don't get me wrong, Morning Glory is a really great weapon, but if it can't be targeted, then it can't be targeted.
Yeah I will do that that but sad that the best combo that could be done is inviable.
Sad? Yes. Balanced? Also yes. The idea of mono-light fielding 11/7 immaterial whoopassers by the 3rd or 4th turn is just...shudderworthy.
Sad? Yes. Balanced? Also yes. The idea of mono-light fielding 11/7 immaterial whoopassers by the 3rd or 4th turn is just...shudderworthy.
Simple Solution: increase cost to 7/6 make attack 1 for both versions. So 10/9 for immortal 8-9/6 unit
Sad? Yes. Balanced? Also yes. The idea of mono-light fielding 11/7 immaterial whoopassers by the 3rd or 4th turn is just...shudderworthy.
Simple Solution: increase cost to 7/6 make attack 1 for both versions. So 10/9 for immortal 8-9/6 unit
That will never happen. There is no need to nerf a card just to allow for it to be used with Morning Star. Just use another weapon and Quintessence. Heck, you can Quint your Crusader, and then endow later! I think that's better than spending :light quanta for a similar effect.
I just burned down the T50 with Fahrenheit-equipped Crusaders. >:D 8) >:D
I think Crusader is kind of messed up. You shouldn't be able to take the weapon from your enemy. I agree with ScaredGirl, Crusader should have some :darkness in it, or at least change the name from Endow to something different.
I think Crusader is kind of messed up. You shouldn't be able to take the weapon from your enemy. I agree with ScaredGirl, Crusader should have some :darkness in it, or at least change the name from Endow to something different.
It doesn't "take" anything. It simply channels the power of that particular weapon.
i'm don't sure anyone know something (or already write in this topic) about this card.
it take only atk and ability. even abilyty that have nothing ability like 'dagger'
it don't take any effect on target weapon like adrenaline, poison, frost or even momentum except momentum from titan
and you can try SoR to some flying weapon then endow it. :P
Really cool for typical rainbow FG farmers - play Crusader, endow your Eternity, then hit it with SoR and Quint. If you can get Momentum in the bargain, it's invincible rewind on a stick for free. 8)
Really cool for typical rainbow FG farmers - play Crusader, endow your Eternity, then hit it with SoR and Quint. If you can get Momentum in the bargain, it's invincible rewind on a stick for free. 8)
Protect the eternity on top and you have a never-deck-out, as well as slowing them down. ;D At the cost of it needing 6 cards and a ton of uanta.
Nah, go with Flying Weapon and another set of SoR, Momentum, Quint. Then the Eternity doesn't cost a thing to rewind with.
Probably the most interesting part of this combo is that it can be fueled entirely by Supernovas.
I typically use a single Crusader in my anti-fg rainbow deck to Endow either Eternity or Pulverizer, so I can literally run with both online. It's better than Animate Weapon because I can Endow as soon as I play the weapon I really need, without having to worry about permanent control. Because of this, it is priceless against opponents like Divine Glory, as decking out is often an issue. A single Crusader can go a long way in solidifying your win percentage.
I was looking for crusaders in the bazaar, but couldn't find it. I thought it was a rare card. but then I noticed it was a life card. I looked in the neutral section. FAIL! I honestly thought it was a non-elemental creature!
no reason to not use protect artifact in every single case instead of this card. takes way way too much effort to turn this into a useful card. heres the setup
1) 5 light quantum
2) one turn waiting until endow is usable
3) 2 light quantum to endow (endow requires)
3.1) a weapon that costs 4-5 quantum
3.2) the weapon is not immune and is either played that turn or has no protection
4) one turn waiting for new ability
5) 1-3 quantum to use new ability
.) quint to protect the crusader?
the damage crusader does is meaningless. many other cards are better one card monsters (mostly growth cards). endow is slow at best, and weak at worst. completely one-dimensional and compares poorly to other options
my suggestion is to rework endow. make it only use the current players weapon/shield, but it "equips" that weapon or shield (sacrificing it). crusader gains the attack and ability from weapon, or the defense and ability from shield. potentially crusader is the most interesting card in the game
or you do
play crusader,
wait a turn, if it doesnt get destroyed your lucky :P
play eternity, fly it, momentum it, shard of readyness it, endow it, quint both,
tho it is quitte hard to get that out, but hey, its possible.
It's better than Animate Weapon because I can Endow as soon as I play the weapon I really need, without having to worry about permanent control.
Actually, it's worse - Animate Weapon can be played the turn you play the weapon you need as well, and doesn't have to worry about summoning sickness.
It's better than Animate Weapon because I can Endow as soon as I play the weapon I really need, without having to worry about permanent control.
Actually, it's worse - Animate Weapon can be played the turn you play the weapon you need as well, and doesn't have to worry about summoning sickness.
Animate Weapon has a very narrow scope, and requires a weapon to be in play under your control already. Crusader, on the other hand, can be played and quinted, waiting for ANY weapon to enter play before Endowing.
My point was that it takes one turn longer, due to summoning sickness. Animate can be played the same turn you play your weapon, then Quint on top. (You were talking about "playing the weapon you really need," not enemy weapons.)
I guess we'll just agree to disagree then. :) True, Animate is faster, but Crusader is much more stable in a rainbow deck, where card space is at a premium. Animate without a weapon is a dead card, while Crusader without a weapon is a potentially huge threat.
sorry for not skimming through all dozen pages, if no one mentioned before "endow" works really well with buffed flying weapons
say you play a weapon, animate the weapon, then bless or chaos power the weapon. when crusader targets it with endow, it will get +x/+2 and the ability.
this means that +5 chaos power or +3 blessing will be copied onto the crusader too :o
crusader + blessing/power + animate + weapon + towers + weapon mark = fun t50 deck :)
I just noticed how much this card kills when used in conjunction with Titan. Momentum and ridiculous damage=win.
You think that rocks, try tossing in Animate Weapon and a few Blessings - you don't even have to splash a third element.
ANNNNND Gravity Force on the flying Titan just for grins.
Personally, I think that endowing a weapon should make the crusader that element.
ex: a crusader uses endow on a vampire dagger, and is now considered :darkness
a crusader uses endow on a trident and is now considered :water
This wouldn't have a whole lot of an effect on gameplay thus far (since few cards act based on element), but two that I can think of is that endowing a neutral or water weapon would make it immune to flooding, and endowing a :darkness or :death weapon would make it gain from eclipse.
I think mostly this would be a cosmetic buff, and would make the game more fun.
It would actually be a slight nerf for monolight, since it wouldn't be able to pay for Crusader if it's Rewound. I love the thematic value, but it has unfortunate mechanic effects that I don't think it deserves.
Now, if the mechanics were changed so that the Rewound card returned to its original state of Light, it'd be fine. Sounds like a lot of work for a small thing though. x)
Rewind/reverse-time always generates the original form of the card in the hand, just like rewinding mutants.
Also, another use of this would be that holy light would damage certain ones.
This thought exercise has made me realize that more cards should have an effect based on the element of other cards.
Rewinding Mutants gives you the base creature of the mutant, not what it was before it was mutated. Once a card changes element, you will get that creature of that element when you Rewind it. Hence why the mechanics would have to be changed.
Ah true. It would be probably one line of code (possibly one per element) though to say "If any crusader is rewound, you get a :light crusader in the deck"
Rewinding Mutants gives you the base creature of the mutant, not what it was before it was mutated. Once a card changes element, you will get that creature of that element when you Rewind it. Hence why the mechanics would have to be changed.
But Light is the element of the "base creature" Crusader. Even if it swaps elements on the board, if rewound it will revert to what a Crusader normally is when played from the hand. If a card "changes element" through mutation, it's actually switching to a different base creature - you would never get an Archangel with a Fire card border, for example.
Exactly. It would change the base creature.
Actually, now that I think about it, the element-changing ability should be associated with the endow skill, not just with Crusaders.
Thus this change would be much more relevant.
(Endow was added to the list of mutation abilities in 1.27)
Is it a bug or is it normal ?
This is what happened while I tested a deck :
I play crusader
-----Some turns here where crusader is petrified, blessed-----
IA play Titan.
I Steal the Titan.
I play Vampiric weapon (Vampire Stiletto).
My Crusader Endow my vampire weapon.
My Crusader gets Vampire abilities PLUS Momentum.
Click to enlarge your... vision. (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-za0WtyKcsBM/TiWidYqQWHI/AAAAAAAADHw/gfLtROMJPig/2011-07-19_crusader_bug.gif)
Maybe a bug ? Maybe something linked with that Titan bug (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18891.msg257262#msg257262) ?
ps : I researched for a previous post relating that kind of thing without flying weapon ; didn't find anything.
I hate Crusader rushes, always gets me. Nerfing it is 10 times worse :-\
Can he endow your morning star
Can he endow your morning star
Since nobody has mentioned this in the last 3 pages, I'll assume it's safe to bring it up (potentially) for the second time.
I think the unupgraded version is UP. My main reason is that it is too expensive.
A cost of 5 :light is no deal breaker, and given you have to wait a turn to Endow anyway, the extra 3 is not outrageous. However there's the additional cost of whatever weapon you want to Endow. Honestly I haven't tried an unupped shortsword rush but it sounds very crappy (9 :rainbow for a 5/5, wow!). This says to me that most player's unupped Meta will include a weapon which will could easily cost 5 :rainbow. 5 :light +5 :air +3 :light + enough :air to Snipe, doesn't sound so fun!
I think it could fairly receive a buff, namely one of what I see as the two it gets from being upgraded. Either give it +1/+1, or reduce the ability cost.
I'm sure we're all aware of the spectacle of upped Anubis. Please God please (I'm talking to Zanz, duh), make him an 8/8. He'll finally see some use! I swear to you an 8/8 Anubis will be ever so popular :D
Anyway that's my rambly thoughts down!