Divine MiraclesHover over cards for details, click for permalink
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*The "shards" are Shards of Divinity. The deck code importer only seems to recognize the upped SoD.The basic idea of this deck is to continually increase your life total and gain life by using SoD + Miracle.
Against most decks, the general plan of action should be to put up a solar shield as soon as the opponent gets his/her first creature out. The early game should be spent building up quanta to play dragons and a morning star (if it is in your hand). Once your hp begins to dwindle, spam SoDs. As you get down to the last bits of HP, play a miracle and boost your life total back up to it's SoD-increased amount. Repeat. Keep in mind that against rushes, you may need to play your SoDs a bit earlier than usual.
This deck fares poorly against denial decks, as well as decks that utilize gravity shield and Dimensional Shield. Keep in mind that as the stall is built around increasing HP and using dragons and your sword to deal repeated chunks of damage through to your opponent, there is no PC. This deck is also capable of decking out opponents who are running <35 card decks. However, a pure deck out build would require more cards, and thus would decrease the likelihood of drawing your SoD + Miracle combo.
Alternate BuildsHealing Build:
It is possible to include sanctuary in order to have constant HP gain. In order to do this, remove 3 solar shields, and add in approx. 4 sanctuaries and 2 light pillars (exact number not tested).
Buff Build:
Some may find it ideal for this deck to have more firepower or dragon hp (so it takes >2 spell uses to kill them). If this is the case, one may include several blessings, adding in a couple of light pillars as well. Note: This is, in my opinion, the least effective of the three builds.
All right, so that's my deck. A fair warning, using this deck
will cause a few rage-quits

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