Support battle:
The deck does better with - 1 gpull, + 1 momentum
Novas, i tried to build something around them and came to this:
it require us to salvage 6 novas and 2 poisons, nothing really strong, but it makes a better use of discord then the abominatiom mitosis deck
i think we can make the best use of the QM effect for darkness adding nightmares for a darkness domination deck, in this example of deck i gave, we can use QM ability to trade 4 salvage of the pandebonium for 2 nightmares
We gotta decide what decks we want to keep in vault, as we have 183 cards, thats enough to feed 6 decks
these are the decks i think we can still manage to build after discards (and they respective pillars/pends):
-Best decks imo
Tu gons(13 - 6 pillars, 7 pends)
Frogtal (16~15 pends)
Adrenatitan (12 pends)
-Remaining AW's deck (one of the two)
Fahren/adrenastaves (10~11 pends)
adrenastaves (11 pillars)
-And 2 of these 3
Darkness domination (13 - 10 pillars, 3 pends)
Nova discord scorps (8 - 4 pillars, 4 pends)
Wings/OE/SW splash duo (13 - 10 pillars, 3 pends) <- just an extimative, we might want more pends if we keep OE's, this version of 3 pends will likely mbe a deck with SW and some wings
"best decks" needs 41~40 quanta generators, where 6 of them are pillars, 35~34 are pends
"AW decks" needs 10~11 pillars/pends
"2 of 3 decks":
Combination 1 and 2: 21 quanta generators, where 14 are pillars and 7 are pends
Combination 1 and 3: 26 quanta generators, where 26 are pillars and 6 are pends (depends of what we keep for deck 3)
Combination 2 and 3: same as 1 and 2
I will stop for now, next time i will post what decks are the better choice for us based on the decks of our enemies and what cards should we discard/convert to keep these decks alive