What's up whoever sees this next? I've put the six decks in the vault for R2, along with the required salvage/discard. I've done an absolutely minimal amount of testing and am terrible at mindgating, so if you get a chance you might want to review what's here, and/or completely change it all.
Round 2
Gen dawn to dusk vs eljoemo (Death)
(tinker) skyironsword vs Trashduke (Darkness)
(discard) Helston vs CCCombobreaker (Entropy) 1-3
Lt mathman101 vs DANIEELA (Time) 1-3
(sideboard) entropystarrover vs Iorveil (Earth)
http://dek.im/d/58q58q58q58q5c35c3 - bye golems ;(
http://dek.im/d/5c55c55c55c75c75c7 - want to keep adrenatitans, placing more value in adrenaline than staves.
http://dek.im/d/5bu5bu5bu5bu5bu5bu - it's either frogs or frogtal.
http://dek.im/d/5ib5j25j25j2 - SoPa shennanigans could be good down the line, don't see much point to more squids/steals right now. (Steals might be a better idea though)
http://dek.im/d/5f65f6622622 - Need the deflags for this round, extra fractals always welcome.
Thinking we should use as many EC upgrades as possible, probably 8 per person even though it means we get no salvage. Most important reason is the old War saying of "Not losing > winning". There's also the fact that opponent's decks will likely have more upgrades, making winning less likely, devaluing the salvage anyway.
There's also the factor of not knowing what we're going to get hit with, which potentially leads to useless salvages barring conversions.I agree with using more upgardes over the potential salvage loss.
Deck/Boosts Discussion:
The fact that Death used 0 SoSa last round makes me think that they're going to use a lot more of them this round.
Squids and purify should suffice here, if SoSac does come around, we can counter it. And squids can shut off a lot of damage, barring fractal.
Played heaps of poison last round. Presumably they've got SoSacs to play, but they're really already asking for Purifies to be played against them.
Could also pack SoPa salvaged from Water's deck if we want a little extra bulk for our creatures as well as another SoSa counter.
Current build:
http://dek.im/d/z35c1z35dez15iaz67buz27gkz27grz47h0z17i68pp (general)
Couldn't fit in SoPa, but Nymphs are fairly bulky, as T1 Forest Spirits can be, and should (maybe?) be able to chip/burst SoSa if the purifies aren't found.
Going to instantly suggest that fancy Mutationbow with Discords here. Darkness had a very hard time versus Entropy's Grabbows during past Wars.
Heaps of CC and PC in their decks so far, including stall/stallbreaking. What I'm expecting is a faster domination deck, or maybe just a grabbow. I want to send a Firestall here, probably Tinkerer.
My biggest concerns versus Darkness would be Devtal, nearly any other Aether duo, and nearly any Earth duo that uses EQs. However, I do suspect that they would attempt to prepare for our SancStall(s) above all else, which means that your reasoning appears to be correct.
Current build:
http://dek.im/d/z55c2z15c3z45cq5f0z55f4z15f6z25f7z37dgzA7f28pn (tinkerer)
One of our Air duos would probably be good here. I worry about DBH with SoFo but I'd expect them to attempt to counter FFQ if they did. Might be time to break out the AirStall
REALLY unsure of this matchup. I'm more worried about them bringing either CP wyrms (mostly this one) or revealing a PUgon.
We could try bringing AdrenaStaves with Deflags or SoFr in that case. The former was a constant worry during deckbuilding during last War even though it was never used against us. They don't typically run PUgons unless it's the OHKO variant with Fractal(s) anyways.
I like adrenastaves with deflags. Looking at
http://dek.im/d/z25bsz55c5z25c7z15cg5dez25f6z67acz17buz57n28po (using all salvage as upgrades). Requires 2x deflag salvage from R1. (-2 discard)
Really worried about RT here... If we go stall, it cant be the light stall. However the sancts would go far vs Ghostmare
I'd suggest using Firestall if it weren't for Ghostal being a fair choice versus us
Grabbow is my best solution:
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz3590z15c15v1z177fz57aez67bu7n780a8pm (Lt.)
Thinking the pulvies will help vs Ghostal, frogs vs RTs.
I smell graboids here.I would use thorn carapace, if it wasn't for the pulverizer..hm.scorpions
will hit the wall in case of titanium shield. and then, there's the stoneskin problem. what if I try some combo with darkness? a good steal or two...if I use mitosis on devourers...I will try to build some deck.
A darkness domination does seem like a good idea here. Almost thinking we just re-use will's round 1 deck.
Grabbows and their Sanctuary stall are my main concern with running Devs. Standard Darkness Domination was capable of dealing with Water's SancStall for Entropy last War with a bit of luck, so unless they draw and/or use a lot of Basilisk Blood/Auburn Nymphs, we should be fine even with Stone Skin spam.
FFQ would also be another viable option since they don't really have good ways of dealing with Hope. Graboid/Shrieker spam with Eternity or Reverse Times could potentially cause an issue if their draws are good enough but we can work around that by adding Wings.
I like the idea of using firefly queens and hope shield. Is there a possibility to throw in one shard of freedom too?The more I think about it, the more I like it. Pure earth deck don't have much of a CC (wardens excluded).What do you think about this one?
http://dek.im/d/z75bsz15bv5c5z25c6z15dez75ocz45ojz15paz17k48pr it's small, and has two upps only. added 2 rustlers in case my life pendulums got destroyed. Upgraded hopes are generally worse than unupped in FFQ style decks, since the +1 cost may mean that the hope is out 1 turn later. How about using sideboard here with 3 SoFree?
FFQ won't stand much hope against Immortal without SoFre... but the matchup looks a little in our favour with them.
Current build:
http://dek.im/d/z35c7z25dez25lkz55ojz25paz97bu7n7z37n88pr (sideboard)
If being decked out is a problem, or there are important shields to bypass (e.g. dims), side out wings. Else side out SoFre.
can I add atleast one empathy bond? just in case, to have some regeneration.I would swap one Wings shield for a shockwave, in case my opponent choose earth/gravity combo, so this way I could wipe out gravity shards and prevent him from destroying my permanents