Death is our elemental opposite, but is it our greatest nemesis? Let's take a look.
Strengths:-Poison: This tactic has the ability to nullify our healing advantage (or the exact opposite, ironically). This is a bit of a coin flip; a strict poison deck would be a dangerous foe, but simply splashing it into a deck wouldn't seem to do much against
. Poison, Arsenic, Deathstalker (ew)
-Creature Control:
has a good amount of killing CC. Aflatoxin, Virus, Plague.
-Creature Spam: Skeletons and Boneyards are definitely something to expect. Aflatoxin could also be self-inflicted to produce this effect.
-Lethal Creatures: Bone Dragon, Mummy, Vulture, Flesh Spider (only with Wings, otherwise not very dangerous).
-Shields: Skull Shield, Bonewall. Bone Wall is obviously the more dangerous with the right strategy.
Weaknesses:-Creature Control: Death can be very dependent on its creatures for dealing damage. Early game CC can be the key to victory, but may not be useful later in the game (i.e. Fire Bolting a spider with 4 Boneyards out or Fire Bolting a Vulture with 15 HP), which means other CC would be useful late game, but not necessarily earlier on. This needs to be seriously considered.
-Anti-Creature Control setup: Death's damage capabilities are hindered greatly if it cannot abuse anything on the opponent's side of the field.
-Healing: We have this advantage by a longshot. Consequently this means we can expect more ways to counter healing (i.e. Poison Spam, Superpowered Vultures, etc.).
-No Permanent Control:
must seek elsewhere for this tactic, another useful advantage of ours.
-No Quanta Denial:
has little to no way of stopping us from getting the quanta we need...alone.
Honestly I think our best chance here is to use something lacking in creature spam (considered to be a strength of ours, but a weakness in this case) and high in CC. Air seems to be a solid companion; OE, Shockwave, and Thunderstorm are great assets. Fire also seems like a good duo choice.
Most likely synergies:
: Poison rush at its finest. Killing off the little threats and then stalling out with Heals seems like an easy win.
: Spiders/Wings...I don't see this being a viable choice but it could be lethal if underestimated. On the other hand, something like this (,7696.0.html) was used in the previous war.
: Fractal Sparks/Boneyard/Vulture is a serious threat with this one. Killing off Vultures before they get their boosts and stopping skele production is key.
: Aflatoxin + Bonds, Aflatoxin + Adrenaline + Shield, etc. We're familiar with most of these, so we should be able to produce good counters for them.
: Otyugh + Boneyard + Vulture is another threat. Us lacking in creatures would severely slow this combo down. Momentum + Deathstalker is another possibility, but highly unlikely.
: Skeleton + Nightfall, Vulture + Nightfall. This leaves a lot of possibilities open when considering Darkness's added features (Steal, Drain Life, Hax Shield etc.). Death Stalker + Nightfall is yet another possible combo, but still unlikely. Parasite is perfect synergy here, and it would hurt our creatures A LOT if not dealt with.
: CC + Boneyard/Vulture. Again, lack of creatures hurts this considerably. Would be interesting to see a Poison/Fire Bolt deck, however.
Just some of my ideas. Discuss.