after looking through salvage and vault here is what I have to say so far.
Willng3: your deck is fine by me. We have the cards. May need to tweak later so we have the right numbers though.
Gl1tch: if you want to take the entropy deck I can make it work. (will take some shifty accounting though...)
Hrmm: Any of your decks is fine, but we will probably have to use the graboid deck and darkness deck, so pick one and someone else will take the other.
Ratchet: The deck I posted for you may or may not work but i think we should shoot for it. I need to do calculations on how many spare life cards we have.
Daxx : the fire deck had to discard 18 and is lost basically. We need to find you something different
Wizel: Unless someone has a better idea, I am going to try and salvage a small part of the fire deck and make the deck I posted earlier.
KDZ: I will do my best and try to figure out a way to keep the deck you want. I lost with it and 18 discard is painful. The good news is we can salvage back lightenings and phase shields (but not quints
In total we still need decks for Daxx, Nadrin, Yeli. Will update later.