thx willing.
if you take out the frogs we have the pendulums problem fixed. or can give wizels deck some punch it needs.
the adrenalines: i totally got your point. its a essential card in your deck.
but we cant build 9 perfect decks with that vault.
its war and we are not
so - 3 frogs, -1 adren, +2 wings (+ fog or shockwave?)?
nadrins deck needs adrens badly for a lockdown. otherwise the devourers can get easy cc food. also the whole deck gets out of balance: 50% life, dmg output (drain lifes/nightfall).
yelis deck just dont work without adrens for two reasons:
1. no dmg (5 grabs get destroyed vs. fire if evolved, unevolved... no dmg)
2. we would need to replace it with 4 other life cards for a legal deck... we actually dont have alternative cards for that.
my deck needs them for dmg - my deck does 20 dmg at max without adrens, on a perfect draw with max weapons flying (wich only happens if i can deck them out with less healing).
-1 adren = ratch's deck without adrens
we need 1 life replacement card then we dont have atm
Ah, I didn't realise we only had five in the Vault. I'll drop one; I don't need anything to replace it.
me neither^^
thx ill change it like this