Oh my god I just had a beautiful idea.
We have 12 phase shields in the vault. Someone should take a phase shield stall with shields, lightnings, and heals.
What are the odds light brings PC against us? Let me check their decks...
Yea, they didn't bring /any/ last round, they might not have it. But they do have lances, so that might not be a good idea. Discord has proven to be killer against light, since they don't have PC, but discord doesn't make a deck. And they /do/ have a rainbow. They just lost with it, but it exists. It's most obvious deck, a nova mutant deck, was taken by yeliyayue and lost to fire stall. Maybe I upgrade those chaos seeds?
Most of their stuff is pretty similar. They've really got a few main decks (that we saw last round). 1. Water stall. Freeze and lance and miracle. 2. Firestall. Rage and lance and miracle. 3. Earth stall. SS and EQ and miracle. 4. Aether stall. Shield and lightning and miracle. 5. Rainbow rush, with dive.
It's times like these I wish we had eternities.
The simple jade shield solution won't work due to mirror shield. Maybe if we can avoid their miracle I /might/ be able to eeek out a win with fractal frogs.... maybe. Quints might work well too.
Whatever we use, I absolutely has to have a few things. 1. No buffs. The CC light has makes this impossible. 2. Some way of getting around/past miracle. 3. Minor amounts of CC. Just enough to stop blessed scorps or divers.
It'd be great if it had cheap stuff too to avoid EQ, but things can't be perfect.
Seeing as we have two fights versus light, it looks like a mutant deck (fallen elves, novas, whatever creatures we aren't using) and a phase shield stall (heals, shields, lightnings) would work best.