We only need to discard 5 cards net.
You make a good point I don't think my idea was clear/ math was good.
For Isei's Salvage I vote we take 5 x poison and 1 x arsenic btw. Arsenic is cheap and works great in rainbow decks.
as for salvage here is what I am thinking:
Salvage as agreed in above posts - discarding 3 x wings, 3 x quint, 2 x antimatter, 2 x chaos power = 10 cards discard from salvage
Discard from the vault: 6 x luciferin, 1 x squid = 7
Total discard = 17
Next discard 18 pendulums from our decks that lost. To replace those lost 18 pendulums, we convert 10 life pillars to life pendulums as we had excess life pillars last round. Then we choose 8 more cards to convert - Maybe these? 1 x miracle, 2 x procrastination, 2 x skull shield, 2 x purify
505+30(salvage)-17(discard for event card)-18(discard for losses)= 500