Wavedash - if you get that 3rd discord edit your deck before the deadline. Otherwise, I currently have the 2 discord version up.
Alright - I fixed it so everything is legal.
Unfortunately we wanted to us 25 heals and only had 20. That meant I had to insert staves into a bunch of decks and remove heals. Sorry if it made your deck sucky, but i had no choice and I have been up all night working on this.
Please only use a link directly from this thread as I altered everyones decks many times.
PlayerOa - firestall failed too much - you get to take the sometimes powerful grabbow. Study your adrenaline chart and practice when to burrow and when not to. Generally water only has freezing so adrenaline should take care of that - ie no need to burrow. but if they bring reverse time or something, stay burrow until you can unburrow, adren, and get the kill.
falcon, I used a slight modification of your deck requested poison deck - good luck.
It turns out we should have brought 24 heals and fewer frogs. We have barely used frogs or cockatrice - kind of sad. Our favorite card by far is heal - followed by scorpions and then adrenaline...