dont like rustlers for the following reason:
any opponent packs cc against life. and they pack it heavy (as we saw in round 1).
also we dont have anyo other life cards for a duo (blessings)
the little rustler will be nr.1 targed for any opponent. of corse they could be used as a bait.
but thats not the point of having them.
of corse we could pack them in our ffq deck. but are they realy needed in this deck?
i would like to have graboids:
they dont see them comming
they are less vulnurable against cc (all other critters we have are, except the dragons)
i would say, we try to put up our decks as fast as possible, then we can see if we can change something on the propaganda win/converting.
btw. we allready discarded the nymph tears?