Since this is a private thread, I will not hesitate to double post. I think I know what we should have done differently, although is does us no good now I'll say it anyway. I never thought dragons are still not durable enough to face the creature controls and only 5 dragons needed to attack twice anyways but I did not foresee the fog shield as I never though a air/death duo is possible. There is a counter to heavy creature control, and the shielded dragon deck have the potential to pull it off, that's the quintesse. This deck was always very slow with a lot of unused quanta, it's not hard to add in these quints. Take away two emerald pillars, and a aether pillar replace them with quints and this deck would have probably won against that air/death deck. Anyhow, we don't have quints in the vault, and I lost all our dim shields. I apologize for that, I don't know what we should do for the next round, we barely have enough cards to make any decent decks now, the situation is made even worse by the card penalty(which I can't blame Gl1tch for). I just hope Gl1tch, anotherbrother and dragonhuman can redeem our losses and give us yet a fighting chance.