I have an idea that we tried, but could not quite pull off last War in team light due to half-team inactivity, but it might work much better in this team.
The idea is to designate each member of the team to be the "expert" in 2 specific opponent teams. The task of the expert is to predict each round what decks the given team would play against their opponents and therefore against us. For this, the expert needs to collect the decks after each round that are posted by the given opponent team, and try to maintain an approximate 'guesstimate' of their vault. Of course, at start we are pretty blind and its just a wild guess, but as war progresses we can get more and more accurate in our prediction which helps choosing the deck to play against each opponent.
Basically, the experts would try to think if they were the General of the opponent team and how they would use their available resources each round. It does require extra amount of work from us to do this, but if we do it right we could improve our mindgating results significantly.
What do you think ?
As for myself I am totally willing to put in the effort necessary for this. I would be a good expert for light, for the other one I am OK with whatever is left over for me.