I have to say that even in the original version i dont see this card as OP at all, its a cool card, and would've found a way into many decks.
I dont even think the combos mentioned are overpowered, they take too many cards usually from different elements and even after that it takes lots of turns till you can fill the board....
its either too vulnerable not to quint or too expensive not to use SoR or to slow(and vulnerable) to use on rushes which never kill FGs anyway....
about the flying weapons its a 3 card slow combo (4 if you quint it not to mention the quanta), you would have to build your deck around it, if you dont draw one of the cards you're just sitting there doing nothing...
speeds up life rush i guess, although it doesnt make it any less vulnerable
its very similar to fractal, doest have the vulnerability to nightmare and neurotoxin (wich are barely used) and its cheaper but on the other hand is very vulnerable to rewind lobo and cc on general (depending on what you use it) and it doesnt allow you to drop 8 creatures on a turn (the magic of fractal)
Even without the ai change i didnt find a great deck around it (unlike fractal wich is awsome)
P.S.: I vote for the old version