but what would the cost of the additional mutant be?
If you rewind a mutant, it turns into a basic version of the mutated creature not the one it was made of. So, the daughter will most likely be a normal card, unless we want a twist to the card mechanic, which would give the old


decks some new life

This seems ridiculous with Dragons/SoR/Mitosis.
The key word is "seems". That's why I want to see the card in the trainer before making claims like that. I dare any of our forum rush experts to build a mitosis deck faster than any of the current speeders. It has to be faster to compensate for the increased vulnerability against cc.
And I also challenge Control experts to build a combo that can really hurt a fake god.
If any of those succeed, SoR will probably need a nerf.
In that case, does skill cost cap seem reasonable?
Note: My first version of this post never made it to the forum. I hate this. Not only do I have to write the same thing twice, but the second version is usually not as decent as the previous one.