i agree with most of these people now, flying weapon decks are way too good with this, i managed to beat loads of fgs with this deck
7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7al 7al 7al 7al 7al 7al 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7b0 7b0 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2
however a solution could be to make weapons go to the weapon slot instead of being animated when using this card, please discuss this
No, most people are realizing that these decks arent nearly as good as they originally thought they were. And going to the weapon slot has already been discussed. If it does become a problem, then that would be an easy solution, however, It isnt a problem at this point. Similar decks to yours have been made, and at first they seemed good, then after a while, it was realized that they are only getting a VERY SLOW 39% rate.
Ill test out that specific build to make sure though.
So Far-
Paradox:1-0 (this says a lot, since hes obviously one of the harder gods
We will just ignoren the fact that he didnt draw a single blessing, so he wasnt able to ohko like he normally is.)
Morte:0-1- Another one of the easier Gods. He was able to outdamage my healing, and I got oe of the best possible draws in the world with this deck too.
Scorpio:0-2-This was just humiliating...first battle was over almost instantly, the second battle I got another near perfect draw... which just mean that I survived a few turns longer before he killed me.
Graviton:0-1. An army of firemasters can outdue 100 healing any day....
I really dont feel like doing more testing, cause its sorta painful watching this deck get annihilated. Is that enough testing, or do you need even more to be convinced its not as good as originally though.